Montfort Memories - Page Four


Bayshore class of 1971: Frank Pizzarelli, Don LaSalle, TomCrucianni, Joe Vitone, Brian Jermusyk, Mike Pycharski, and ??, ??


John (Doc) McCann, SMM and two unknowns
John (Cookie) McLeod


Front Row: (?), (?), Bob Casey, (?), Paul Baker, (?), (Maybe Gil Daniels?);
Top Row: John o"Reilly, (?), John Coyne, (?), Marc Burgette, (?), Lou Miller.
How about those uniforms!


Joe Sadowski, SMM


Frank Setzer, SMM and Crew including Andy Hoynes, George Werner, SMM and Jim Manning, SMM, cleaning up the leaves at Bay Shore, circa 1948-49


Ouch! Wonder what happened?

1 comment:

  1. top picture is Bayshore class of 1971, Frank Pizzarelli, Don LaSalle, TomCrucianni, Joe Vitone, Brian Jerimysik. Mike Pycharski, and don't rememberr the other two names. Appologies for name spelling.


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