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Guest Book Entries from the former Montfort Alumni Web Site
Entries are in reverse chronological order from January, 2005 to November, 2000. You may want to begin at page 41, which is the end of the document.
Just received the general invite to the 2005 Reunion. I will be there!! This is my first time at the website. Should have checked it out a lot sooner. Looked at the picture from the 2000 reunion. It's amazing how time flies. Had a wonderful time back then and was hoping another reunion would be set up soon. In that picture the identity of person #109 is incorrect. It is actually Brian Jermusyk. #110 is myself and #112 is Tom Cruciani. All of us, includign Don LaSalle entered in 1967 and graduated together in 1971. Best regards to all and God Bless.
Joe Vitone
Trumbull, CT USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 18:16:05 (EST)
I like the new Archives page, now we need some new pictures.
Matt Kennedy
Ronkonkoma, NY USA - Thursday, January 06, 2005 at 06:22:26 (EST)
It would be great to have a list of our names and addresses on the website as well. It would be greatly appreciated. May everyone have a happy and blessed new year in 2005!
larry Hellmann
Vista, CA USA - Tuesday, January 04, 2005 at 12:51:49 (EST)
I am amazed to read the phantom's complaints. I, too, survived the early sixties in Bay Shore. Yes, there were lots of problems, lots of growing up, lots of fit-ins and exclusions. Often I was in my own world. Having three children, each 10 1/2 years apart, my youngest, a daughter, now a month shy of 17, I see that our teen years of rebellion and out-growth were spent in the seclusion of seeking our place with God and the world and the devil. I confess that my experience with Catholicism in the seminary led me to question mankind, faith, God, the devil -well, life. I believe that is the best thing about Bay Shore. I admit I did not miss girls. I made up for it immediately after. I did not miss booze and drugs. I went to college. (I am a recovering alcoholic with my last drink and mind altering drug usage Sept. 14, 1975 at 4:04 PM as I sat in a car outside a rehab in-patient center in Mahopac, NY.) I did not miss politics. I worked on the McCarthy and Kennedy campaigns in Indiana in the tragic '68 election fiasco. One big ETC. I still remember the day I was asked to leave after shower and on the way to breakfast. Father Manning took me by the upper arm and led me off to the sinks and told me that I was being asked to leave. I was shocked. It was unexpected. Father Manning said: "you must have known you did not fit in." I thought I was seeking answers. Looking back, I certainly did not fit in with the program. I spent a few days with Lou Miller's parents' house. Mrs. Miller had several good talks with me, talked about life and its beginning, not its ending. I had a crush on Eleanor. She was such a sweetheart. I hid on a farm in Southern Indiana, North Vernon, for a while until I could work up the face to go visit my parents and tell them. I do not remember much of the next year until Palm Sunday the next year. I had driven over from Kokomo to Hartford City and visited with some of the seminarians but most importantly with Father George Werner. In our conversation, he told me that I had to follow my conscience and leave the Catholic Church. Too many questions. Too much doubt. On the way home back to Kokomo, the skies got dark, the radio went out, a train noise got louder and louder. Suddenly on the horizon, I saw a funnel cloud. A tornado was traveling down the right side of the highway devastating everything in its path. It was plucking telephone poles out of the ground as we pick candles off birthday cakes. A tractor was in the air, a cow, pieces of houses, the car in front of me by several car lengths. Up and over! I drove off the road to the left to the next road and on to 31 North. I was stopped by the police who wanted to know where I had come from, how I got through. Russiaville had been totally destroyed, not a place left standing. The Southern part of Greentown was destroyed and wiped off the field. What a message for me. I have spent the rest of my life in search of my God, my conscience, my place in the Cosmos. I am now an elder in the Seventh Day Adventist Church, active in a temperance program and Religious Liberty. I work with attorneys, the legislature and the court system regarding the role of father in the lives of children in this day of easy family destruction and divorce. The children need fathers to grow up. In many ways, Montfort in Bay Shore assumed that role for us all. I remember Father Marty Curley and his brother, Father Gamache, Fathers Charest, Vigliani (or o, I don’t remember), Minsterman, Bresnan, Darling, of course, Father Werner and more, the Brothers, especially D.P., may he rest in peace. They were guides, not gods, and they steered us not always in the ways we wanted. I remember not liking too much of it. I remember my conduct grades (or lack thereof.) It certainly showed a difference in opinion. I remember a great group of kids, not all of whom I got along with from time to time, not liking some at one time or another. But all in all, none of whom I hate or dislike today. I believe the lack was on my part. What of the Reunion in 2000. I took my daughter with me. Lauren was amazed. She had more questions than comments. Questions good for me to hear. How did I get where I am by going through Bay Shore. What a long strange trip it’s been! Indeed! I had to begin answering her questions, but they were more answers for me than for her. But the important part for me was to see where we had all gone from there – Lou Miller, Mark Kintzley, Pete Mc Gorry, Tom Jesaitas, Frank Ballinger, Jack Coyne, Marc Burgett, Joe Valentine, etc. The list goes on. Many memories. Many bad. Many horrible. If that is the way we want. We were all kids. We were all human. We were all growing –a work in process not done till the final page. What is there to be bitter about? Where are we now, that is what is important. Let go of the past. Get on with today. I do not know who the phantom is. I am sure I remember Bob Coyle, a short timer around ’63 or so. He was a nice kid, like all of us, searching. Lou Miller sent me an email and told me that a 2005 reunion is being held. I missed some guys I would like to see again, some of whom I have forgotten but would like to see again to stir my memory. They are good memories. But the best part is to see how we have all grown, who we have all become. Where is Frank Golle, Massey, O’Reilly, Schatz, many more. What are we doing? Who are we today. I am proud of what we have all become. I believe we are all better for Bay Shore, whether it was a good experience for us or not. One thing it did was to teach us – it taught us what we did like and what we did not like. Just like all of life. I do not know who the phantom is. But I would like to invite him personally to come and see who we are now. That is the fun of it. Who are we now? Leave the kids back in the sixties, or whatever year. Forgive. Believe me. God forgives us all, and He has a lot to forgive. We need to learn to forgive ourselves, and others. Don’t we pray “Forgive us as we forgive those who have hurt us” daily? Bay Shore is not full of the best memories. But it has many of our best memories if we want to concentrate on the best of life. Bay Shore has the worst of memories, as Dickens said: it was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . . As Jesus said, suffer little children to come to me. We are all God’s children. P.S. My new and present address is 932 Westport Lane, Vista, CA 92084. Phone (760) 212-9628. Email: lhellmann760@sbcglobal.net Use any at anytime. July in Bay Shore!
Larry Hellmann
Vista, CA USA - Tuesday, January 04, 2005 at 12:38:19 (EST)
Wishing all the Blessings of this great holiday season and Peace and Health in the New Year.
Matt Kennedy
port ewen, N.Y. USA - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 at 00:14:41 (EST)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
Frank Drugan
Farmingdale , NY USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 at 02:25:35 (EST)
Holiday Greetings to you and yours
Joe Cardinal
Naples, FL USA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 at 23:36:20 (EST)
I entered St. Louis in 1958 as a Freshman and left in November of 1960. The pictures and names bring back some fond memories.
Joseph Phelan
Waianae, Hi USA - Thursday, December 09, 2004 at 20:14:11 (EST)
Well spoken, George White! Suspect many visitors to this website agree with your comments. I understand Lou Miller intends to organize another reunion in 2005. If it comes off it would be interesting to continue this exchange in person. If Phantom decides to attend, I believe he would discover that there was lots of wheat among the chaff.
Brian Harrington
LAKE BLUFF, IL USA - Tuesday, December 07, 2004 at 19:48:01 (EST)
When I created this web site, I noted that it was intended to be, among other things, a place of sharing and healing. Many of us, whether as seminarians, clergy or laymen, have suffered over these many decades due to the excesses and neglect of those religious men and women who should have known better. And in and out of the religious community, friendships have suffered as factions grew with divergent understandings of the mission of the Church and its priorities. I have observed that the pain and injustice we have witnessed or experienced can often develop into deep and chronic anger and resentment. While I appreciate your strong feelings and sense of injustice, I wish to offer another view, and not out of any loyalty to the Montfort community. I came to understand that Bob came to Bay Shore with a great deal of baggage, as did many of the young men in those days. The priests attempted to weed those applicants who sought to enter for the wrong reasons, especially those who were seriously dysfunctional either religiously or psychologically. For too many young men, the seminary was a logical escape and a way of resolving a distorted sense of sin and personal defect. By and large, Montfort did a pretty good job of weeding out those applicants, but occasionally some slipped through. I think Bob was a case in point. I believe it became apparent to anyone who observed him that Bob was unable to socialize in any meaningful way, and the outward manifestations of his inner turmoil to his peers was significant enough that they were confused and even scared of being with him. And as the manifestations increased and Bob became all the more isolated, some certainly taunted him, as unfortunately even the best of us often do at that age. But a cover up? I believe what came of the incident was more a growing awareness, based on similar and perhaps less serious examples, that the minor seminary was not the healthiest place for certain young men. Some of us survived and prospered, while for others it was an unhealthy psychological and emotional burden. And this was not a phenomenon that was unique to Bay Shore or to the Montfort community. As it happens, I've let other childhood injustices fester and rent space in my head, and they still return from time to time. Fortunately for me, Montfort was a place where I experience the example of a handful of priests who really cared even for me, that skinny non-athletic kid who at times exhibited limited social skills. I consider myself fortunate to have come away from the seminary experience with sadness and empathy for people like Bob rather than anger and resentment. And that empathy has severed my family well. When one of my sons experienced horrific abuse and bullying at a similar age, my wife and I were sufficiently sensitive to the symptoms of victimization, and able to get him help that has turned his life around. Phantom, it sounds like you've been carrying the burden of Bob for a long time. I hope you can remain committed to your obvious concern for those who are victims of serious emotional pain and at the same time come to see your experience in Bay Shore as a life lesson that can be appreciated as the source of a healthy compassion rather than resentment. I write this knowing firsthand how resentments have at times blinded me from the reality that people are human, and how easy it is for me to generalize injustice and deficiencies, especially as it relates to the Church. I've come to believe that resentments effectively punish me, and that I cannot spend my time fighting the darkness. Rather, to the extent possible, I must attempt reflect the light. And that is challenging enough for me.
George White
Easton, MA USA - Thursday, December 02, 2004 at 13:04:58 (EST)
I didn't intend to turn this Guest Book into a Forum, but it looks as if has become just that ... afterthe uncalled for comment to me, I have decided that I will refrain from making any further entries into the Guest Book - this should be a place where ideas and memories are exchanged, not verbal punches. For those who answered my questions and observations in a civil manner, thank you. God bless to all of you. The Phantom ...
The Phantom
USA - Thursday, December 02, 2004 at 12:45:49 (EST)
Top O the morning to all the fellows who had the great privilage of attending Montfort Prep. Seminary at Bay Shore,NY. I was only at Bay Shore for 2 yrs & a few months. '48-'51. I found it to be a great memorable experience which has sustained me through some extremely difficult times,ie: alcoholism and the complete collapse of the whole house of cards that comes with that. I never lost my faith in God and his tender mercies. I credit this to the firm belief in the intercession of His Blessed Mother which was firmly implanted by the good and holy fathers who were entrusted with my care for a very short period. I am weller than well today and very happy and will always be very grateful to St.Louis De Montfort and all Montfortians. Good Luck & God Bless one and all.
Frank Drugan
Farmingdale, NY USA - Thursday, December 02, 2004 at 10:47:12 (EST)
Just found your website. It’s great! I attended Bay Shore from academic years 64 – 68 and St. John’s 68 – 69. Your website brought back a lot of memories. My Montfort experience was a blessing in many ways and I want to thank God and the wonderful Montfort faculty and staff who helped me academically and spiritually. Thank you and God bless you.
Ed Makepeace
Warner Robins, GA USA - Friday, November 26, 2004 at 15:16:01 (EST)
Hello, Brian Harrington .... I can see, from your comments, that you were a happy camper out there in Bay Shore. That's good !!! Nothing wrong with that at all ... glad to see somebody got something out of that place. To answer your questions, I choose to remain anonymous .... my name is not important, as you probably don't know me anyway. I went to Bay Shore between 1960 and 1970 ...as for why I stayed as long as I did, I was only there a few years and then left - finally got smart about the whole rotten system. You're right ....Jesus did say 'Come, follow me' .... I don't recall that he said that it would have be such a depriving, negative experience to do it .... no radios, limited contact with parents, siblings, friends, life in general, loss of female companionship - what a waste of your formative years .... how can a person minister to people in the outside world, when thier own development has been so severely curtailed, their own desires so severely squelched ?? Life is full of choices, that's true .... but sometimes we don't realize the full ramifications of our choices ... fortunately I did and got out. You have a lot of praise for the Montforts .... good, it was a great experience for you. I don't have a lot of praise ... as I mentioned to George White, I saw a lot of unchristian stuff go on there .... there were priests placed in charge of us who had no business being priests at all !!! I probably am not a spiritual person to begin with ... I am more of a practical person .... ministry in God's work on a more practical level, like working with drug addicts or people in prison. You don't have to forsake marriage and sex and parenting in order to do God's work ... that was something the Catholic Church created !!! I saw more decent acts of charity and consideration done by people who never set foot in a seminary ... I developed more as a person while in military service than I ever did as a seminarian .... I did learn one thing from Montfort - how NOT to treat others !!! You saw 'selfless people' at Montfort ??? Boy, did I miss something !!! More like 'selfish' .... let me tell you this - if you weren't a scholastic or athletic achiever, or one of the countless brown nosers, you lived in the periphery of Montfort, kind of a 'non person' - that is a pretty poor indictment for a community that was supposedly built on Christian Community ..... tell me this, if Montfort was so great, why is there next to nothing left of it ??? There are a handful of priests and that's it ... the minor seminary probably doesn't exist anymore, as there isn't a need for it ... who would want to go there anyway ?? I guess that I have kicked up a lot of dust for the various Montfortian types who loved the place. Hey, if you liked it, all the more power to you .... personally, I think the place was a waste .... thanks for your response. The Phantom ....
The Phantom
USA - Saturday, November 13, 2004 at 12:26:38 (EST)
Hello, George White. Why did Flavius Gamache talk about 'particular friendships and sleeping on your back ?' Don't remember that ... at any rate, it seems like Novitiate was the time that you grew spiritually .... and I am glad that you had some positive experience regarding Montfort .... seems like Bay Shore may not have been great for you either. Yeah, I remember that night when a student had a problem .... funny thing was that no one was ever taken to task for that incident, either those in charge or the parties responsible. Nice thing to have happen in a place that was supposedly committed to Christian Community .... what a joke !! I saw more unchristian things happen there ... and saw a lot of things ignored. The place was a waste - it stunk !!! And I make no bones about it .... I saw people get disciplined for minor offenses, while something like what happened to that student went unpunished or was forgotten about. What kind of young boy can benefit from a system like what we had there ?? No radios, limited contact with the outside world, nothing other than old priests and young boys as your confreres. Anyway, thanks for your response. Later .... will talk more. The Phantom
The Phantom
USA - Saturday, November 13, 2004 at 11:59:30 (EST)
Hello Phantom. Your comments have attracted my curiosity. I have a few questions and comments for you... 1. Why do you choose to not reveal your identity? 2. How long did you spend at Montfort Seminary? 3. If you were unhappy, why didn't you choose to leave sooner? I spent from age 13 to age 23 in seminary and left prior to ordination. I have been happily married for 36 years. While in seminary I missed female companionship, money and many of the other things available to other young men of my age. Most (perhaps all) of my fellow seminarians missed them too. The point was that in responding to Jesus' invitation to "come follow me" we knew that this meant leaving mother, father, brother, sister, etc. It was clear from the beginning that this would be difficult and indeed it was. However, every time I returned for a new academic year, I had to choose whether or not to do so. Presumably, we all were free to leave (as I eventually did). The consequences of my choices were known to me. In all cases, I thought I was making the correct decision. My entire life (before and after seminary) has been filled with choices. Yes, I would probably make different choices with benefit of hindsight, but wouldn't we all? Interesting to me is the fact that my many friends who never went to seminary missed a lot also, even if they were unaware of it. Community life spent in the company of some of the most selfless and remarkable people I have ever known was just one of those experiences. There were many others too numerous to list here. I'm sorry your experience was not as satisfying as my own. If I knew who you were, I'd offer to buy you a beer and discuss it in the depth it deserves.
Brian Harrington
LAKE BLUFF, IL USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 at 12:38:48 (EST)
Hey, Phantom. I suspect that many of us have some of the same feelings about our adolescence at Bay Shore. I for one was extremely introverted and naive regarding anything to do with sexuality. I remember Father Flavius Gamache speaking to us in study hall about particular friendships and sleeping on your back, and I hadn't the faintest idea what he was talking about. Like Lou, I was also filled with a certain idealism that was in keeping with the times and my upbringing. I entered Bay Shore in my junior year after others had established key friendships. Being the naive loner, I did not find Bay Shore particularly painful at the time. Any isolation I experienced I considered part of the sacrifice of preparing for the priesthood. And while I made several friends during my two years at Bay Shore, unlike Lou I have not kept in touch with them over the years. That was essentially my doing -- I have always had a tendency to quietly walk away from relationships. Was it worth it? Well, judged by Bay Shore alone, I might answer "No." But after Bay Shore, I went on to the novitiate in Hartford City, and it's there where I developed a spirituality that has been a treasure over the years. I credit people like Fr. George Werner and others who challenged my pre-Vatican II concepts and presented a view of the Church and liturgy that has sustained me during all the ups and downs of life, and the insanity of recent history in the Church and our nation. I still struggle with fitting in with social situations, and have a tendency to stay peripheral. But that was something I brought to Bay Shore, and not the result of its formation. I have been married for 33 years and Teri and I have five wonderful children. I am still in the process of becoming the fully human child of the Father, and thankfully my idealism as a layman, while often challenged, is still alive and active by the grace of God and through the many friendships I have developed in my local Christian community. And yes, I too remember the student you refer to , and the day his internal pain put him over the edge. I'd be interested to hear more from you, Phantom. I suspect that we all have more in common than you might suspect.
George White
North Easton, MA USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 at 12:06:37 (EST)
Hello, Lou Miller .... thank you for your response. There was one student, kind of a quiet guy who tried to fit in ... and it was tough. As I remember, he was subjected to a lot of ridicule by the other students; he left after he was there about six months. It seems that you view your time in Montfort as a positive experience .... that's good. You made some close friends that you maintained contact with over the years. I, on the other hand, did not have an overall positive experience. Looking back on it, I feel that the whole thing was a waste - very little, if any, good came out of it. I recall the place as depressing and repressing. The best memory I have of the place was leaving it .... for good. After I left, my life opened up so much and I began to live - and to see just how great life really was. At Montfort, I existed; when I left, I lived again. I could now experience the things that I wanted and should have experienced .... dating, social interaction with people other than old priests and young boys, having a real job, earning money, going to dances and parties. As for comparing girls to vacationing on the Riviera, well, I never had a biological urge to vacation on the Riviera, but I did crave the company of the opposite sex. And that was forbidden in Montfort, of course. I wonder how I lasted as long as I did ... Like I said, the best memory I have is when I left the place. It seems, though, that I am in a minority, looking over the pages of this guestbook. Many people have many happy memories of Montfort Seminary ... guess I missed out. Thanks again for your response .... later.
The Phantom
USA - Friday, November 05, 2004 at 14:20:06 (EST)
Yo Phantom, About your question: I imagine most guys thought going to Bay Shore would be different than staying home for high school. But we were all pretty altruistic at the time and figured it was worth the trade off. About missing things like cars - I’d have missed that even if I’d stayed home during the high school years. As to girls, I kinda think I missed that experience while at Bay Shore kinda like I missed summers on the French Riviera or skiing in the Swiss Alps - you can’t miss what you had no experience with at that time. I do admit to being pretty naive and insecure with my abilities to schmooze with members of the faireer sex when I became a civilian again at the age of 22 and having some awkward - and painful, I might add - moments, but in the long run, got lucky and have had a terrific relationship with a lovely lady for the past 35 years. In the final analysis, from a perspective now of almost 40 years, I feel I gained much more than I lost from having attended Montfort Prep; having been trained academically, morally and spiritually by the dedicated group of SMMs who served as faculty at Bay Shore during those years - Vigi, Willie Farrell, Marty Curley, Andy Hoynes, Jim Manning, Frank Carpenter, to name a few and, of course, John Breslin, who continues to do great things as an MD and a priest in the Dominican Republic. I also established friendships that have lasted a lifetime and still help me get through the ups and downs of living on a daily basis, even though its often months and years between visits with many guys. And, based on the turnout at MR2000 and the sense of camaraderie that filled the atmosphere during those days, I suspect my feelings are not unique. Hope that provides some feedback from at least one point of view; any other comments out there? Lou Miller Bay Shore: ‘58 - 64; SMM seminarian ‘til ‘66.
Lou Miller
USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 16:52:40 (EDT)
Does anybody feel like they missed out on things while attending Montfort ?? Like girls, cars, teenage life, etc ?? Would be curious to know ...
The Phantom
USA - Wednesday, September 01, 2004 at 14:54:58 (EDT)
Was going through the site once again and re the reunion in 2000, I wish I had known about it, I surley would have attended. I was working out of the 3rd Pct. in Bay Shore at the time and living in Port Jefferson. I tried to ID some of the faces before checking the list and I only came up with Larry Helman,only because of his e-mail and Tom Jesiatis. Hey TJ are you still in Florida? Got an E-Mail from Jim O'sullivan and would also like to hear from some of my other classmates/other seminarians from the 60's. The photos and letters brought back many fond memeries. I think I have some photos somewhere, I will search through my "OLD STUFF" and forward them. Does anyone remember our class of 1960 "newspaper" "The Freshman Flashes"? Father Pete McCrann helped us with that, and as I recall was cause for some "discussion" from the upper classmen. I know there were a bunch of pictures taken for the "paper"(more like a poster-board). I'll be in Port Jefferson for a few weeks at the end of September, I will try and see Fr. McCrann, if he's still at South Side Hospital. Regards, Al Droscoski
Al Droscoski
Captain Cook, Hi USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 at 15:13:33 (EDT)
Having located this website I now feel terribly guilty about not seeing Fr. McCann as often as I should...Sorry, Doc. I was at Montfort 1968-1971 Funny thing though, Al Droscoski and I worked a sector and a shift apart in the SCPD, and I don't recall ever realizing that we had a connection through Montfort. Any of my former Classmates out there?
Jim O'Sullivan
Naugatuck, CT USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 at 05:41:41 (EDT)
Just read below entry from Al Droscoski, I retired from SCPD, ES Section in 1987, was at Bay Shore from 1952 thru 1956. Tom Veerbeck is also an alumni of both Montfort and SCPD.
Matt Kennedy
Ronkonkoma, NY USA - Monday, August 02, 2004 at 23:26:57 (EDT)
Stumbled onto this web site accidently, glad I did. Was great looking and trying to remember old class mates. I was at Monfort from 1960 thru 1962. Retired from Suffolk County Police in 2002. Enjoyed the memories of the seminary each time I attended our detectives Association picnic held on the grounds. Another alumni Joe Phelan lives in Hawaii on Oahu, I live on the Big Island--Hawaii Regards to all, will come back to the site again soon. Al
Albert Droscoski
Captain Cook, Hi USA - Sunday, August 01, 2004 at 19:40:14 (EDT)
Father Ray Graham was superior at Bay Shore during my class's first year at Bay Shore ('58 - '59) One of my fondest memories is the day Ray called off classes when the ice on Lake Awixa was solid enough to skate on. I'm sure it was because HE wanted to play hockey, but it was pretty cool to get a free day off. I think I remember him being at MR2000 and looking like he was still in fair shape for pushing 80 at the time. May he rest in peace. The 1964 Investiture Class had to be one of the largest groups ever sent off to Novitiate. It probably helped that it was a double class with guys who started at Bay Shore in ‘58 and ‘59. This was the first step in converting the training program from 6-1-6 to 4-1-4-4. Don’t know if its bragging or complaining, but John O’Reilly, Jim Schatz and I were the last to put in 6 years at Bay Shore. In addition to the Investees, we were joined by Don Middendorf, Al Schebera and Pat Somebody, who only stayed a few months. Faculty included Fr George Werner - his first year as Novice Master, Ed Dilgen, Dick Schebera and Brother Tom. Phil Morneau and Jack LaRocca were also novices that year. Did I leave anyone out? Also, no one has taken a shot at IDing the guys in the previous archive photo, so here's my input. Looks like another shot from the refectory in '57 or '58. In the background, left to right: Ed Danza, looking like he's chugging down wine, Kevin Lyons, a guy Idon't recognize, Ben Colbert, and possibly Pete Ballenger (Did Peter wear glasses at that time?); foreground: Gerry Barry, Dennis McCarthy and, in profile, Mike Tucci. Barry and McCarthy were freshmen that yeat; Tucci, a Junior; the others, sophomores I await any corrections with anticipation. Lou
Lou Miller
Hudson, WI USA - Friday, July 16, 2004 at 17:19:34 (EDT)
Ray Graham was the superior at Bay Shore through most of my five years there. Bob Curley was also a teacher and I knew him as well when I taught at Indiana University. I hold both of these priests in great affection.
Dennis Delaney
Charlotte,, VT USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 15:09:17 (EDT)
Found the website info while going through an old folder. Pictures and words and memories are great. The reunion is still a fond memory. Thanks for running the site. I'll be back and look more closely and see if I can help identifying guys from my short time in bayshore. Nothing in my life have or will ever replace those 2 great and blessed years. Oh, my number on the picture is 22. God bless to all and especially to those I knew.
Deacon John T. Baffa, Jr.
Brewster, NY USA - Monday, March 15, 2004 at 20:36:12 (EST)
Today is my first visit to the website. It's great. I'll be back regularly. Concerning the photo of the baskteball team from the '60s, the back row, left to right: Marc Burgett, Tom Jesaitis, Bill Ferro, Jack Coyne. Front row, left to right: Vic Albetta?, John Putnam, Bill McDermott?
Marc Burgett
Minneapolis, MN USA - Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 15:26:12 (EST)
Please refer to the Photos Section of the Website for a recent photo of Tom Williams(Entry Year: 1955) Here are major parts of a letter I recently received from Tom.He said it would be okay to share his letter with all of you. "I was sorry to see that Father Ray Graham died, as well as Fathers Bob Curley and Ben Blood. All those men certainly had a positive effect on my life. I saw also that Willie Farrell passed away. He was a good friend for so many years. Jody and I have now lived in Arkansas for five years. I most likely have one or two more years at Wal-Mart before I retire. I am in the spring semester of my second year of studies in the St. Stephan's Orthodox seminary program. It is the seminary program for the Antiochean Orthodox Church in America. I have one year to go before completion. I was ordained a Reader in 2003, similar to tonsure/lector/acolyte in the Roman Church. I was ordained sub deacon in January this year and most likely will be ordained deacon within the year. I hope to be ordained a priest next year, possibly in the fall. Before that time, I will retire from Wal-Mart. Most likely I will serve in a parish in the Western U.S. The possibilities are Wyoming, the Dakotas, Oklahoma or Texas. But I really don't know with any certainty where I will be sent. The parishes are small by design, rarely exceeding 200 or so families. The studies have been time-consuming but enjoyable. It is a three-year program with residency required each summer in Pennsylvania. I had been hoping to be able to spend a year at St. Vladimir's Seminary in Crestwood, N.Y., but the bishop pretty much told me he wanted me to finish the St. Stephan's course of study. My Latin has been very helpful, my Greek is weak (I can recognize vocabulary but not put sentences together) and have been challenged by Byzantine music. All that being said, I have done well in all my course work thus far: Church History, Patristics, Scripture, Liturgical Theology, Orthodox Spirituality and Orthodox Theology. Next fall and spring I will take Canon Law. Maybe I'll do better this time. Jody has been wonderful through all this. I am usually closeted about 15 hours a week reading. Exams last a month and a half. Jody and I belong to a small mission parish in Springdale, Arkansas. That's where I serve as sub deacon. Jody is the parish treasurer, always fighting to have our priest paid more money. The Orthodox are notorious for their poor financial support of the clergy. It is apparently a holdover from Greece, Russia (before Stalin), the Balkans, Syria and Lebanon where the clergy were paid by the government, and still are. My prayers are with you and your family, Cliff." tom williams PS I receive e-mail from Paul Provost in China every now and then. tom.
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Friday, March 12, 2004 at 16:02:52 (EST)
Please check the NEWS section of the website for more information on the life and death of Father Ray Graham, SMM. Cliff Laube
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Monday, February 16, 2004 at 06:54:40 (EST)
I regret to report that Father Raymond Graham, SMM died of cancer on February 4. Since Fr. Ray was superior at Bay Shore and taught there for many years, I am sure he is fondly remembered by many alumni. I will try to post a recent photo and obits from the Long Island papers as soon as possible. Father Ray was 83 years old and was ordained on March 1, 1947. May he rest in peace. Cliff Laube, Entry Year: 1945
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Tuesday, February 10, 2004 at 20:51:39 (EST)
The 1954 Faculty also included Fr. Ray Graham, Superior and Fr. Leo (Pere) Blais our French teacher. Fr. Allen may possibly still been there.
Matt Kennedy
Ronkonkoma, N.Y. USA - Monday, January 26, 2004 at 12:42:15 (EST)
Please refer to the NEWS link above to see the list of Montfort Fathers who are celebrating major anniversaries this year. Happy 2004 to all alumni! Fifty years ago, in September 1954, the following students entered the prep semianry at Bay Shore: Gerard Lawrence of Elmont, NY; Thomas Pypeman of NY, NY; Thomas Reilly of Wantagh, NY; Edward Larberg of Lake Ronkonkoma, NY; Rudy Seeger of Middle Village, NY; John Kosciuk of New Hyde Park, NY; Patrick Kennedy of Bronx, NY; Arthur Flanagan of Valley Stream, NY; Dennis Kennelly of Woodhaven, NY; John Fleming of Jackson Heights, NY; Frank Jordan of NY, NY; Paul Sciortino of Ozone Park, NY; David McManus of Binghamton, NY; Patrick Chinco (Chirico?) of Brooklyn, NY; Martin Petraitis of Fairlawn, NJ; John Rinaldi of Brooklyn, NY; William Sheehy of Cambridge, MA; James Bowman of Uniondale, NY; Richard Donahue of Cambria Heights, NY; Ronald Williams of Randolph, MA; Joseph Gemelli of Richmond Hill, NY; Thomas Sullivan of Cambridge, MA; Robert Broughton of Babylon, NY; John Kelley of Scituate, MA; Paul Ballenger of Hartford, CT; Thomas Farrell of East Rockaway, NY; Michael Morra of South Ozone Park, NY; and Paul Harren of Floral Park, NY. That was a large class! The faculty for that year included: Frs. Frank Carpenter, Anthony Vivona, William Peers, Joseph Manfre, Lionel Gamache, Robert Curley, Joseph Manfre and Brother John McLeod. All are deceased except Rev. Anthony Vivona and Mr. John Mcleod who are very much alive, and we have been in touch with them. If anyone is from that class, please contact us and leave a message on this website. Cliff Laube (entry year: 1945)
Clifford J. Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Saturday, January 24, 2004 at 11:18:49 (EST)
My guess is Dennis' photograph is from the '57-'58 school year and maybe the location is the refectory. I agree with Brian on Vic, Vinnie and Charlie B. I'm suggesting that is Jeremiah Smith right behind Vin and could Tom Palermo be the other guy with glasses? If I'm right on the year, then Gene Sawacki would have been 18 or 19 at that time and the guy in the background looks pretty young. Vic attended MR2000 and Dennis submitted the photo. It's time to hear from one of those guys! Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season to all. Lou
Lou Miller
USA - Friday, December 12, 2003 at 17:18:59 (EST)
A few more guesses on the latest picture: Extreme right, Victor Albetta, left foreground Vinnie Danza, center with eyeglasses, Charlie Benfante. Lou Miller, where are you now that we really need you?
Brian Harrington
LAKE BLUFF, IL USA - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 at 22:10:25 (EST)
In the latest picture, I think that's Gene Sawicki in the upper left corner. Just a guess.
Matt Kennedy
ronkonkoma, ny USA - Friday, December 05, 2003 at 23:52:31 (EST)
Father Bob Curley (entry year 1938) died November 13. Please visit the NEWS section of this website for an obituary. Bob taught at Bay Shore during the 1950's and many alumni remember him from those days. His brother Marty who was also a Montfort Father is in a nursing home on Long Island. May God grant Fr. Bob eternal rest after a long and fruitful ministry.
Clifford Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at 19:02:19 (EST)
I believe Bill Armshaw, (entry class of 1953) is the unidentified student pictured with Jim Nugent and Father Vivona. Bill attended the Y2K reunion in Bay Shore. These memory tests are becoming more and more difficult.
Brian Harrington
LAKE BLUFF, IL USA - Sunday, November 23, 2003 at 23:02:38 (EST)
Matt Kennedy (Entry Class of 1952) just told me that the alumnus on the right of Father Vivona (his left) in Jim Nugent. Since Jim only arrived in 1953, obviously the photo was not taken in 1952. Please refer to the latest photo in the Archive section of this website. Who knows the identity of the other student in the photo? Cliff
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Tuesday, October 07, 2003 at 13:42:50 (EDT)
For those of you who may not be aware, my e-mail address has changed. The new address is: brian.harrington@comcast.net Am always happy to hear from other alumni and will look forward to exchanging messages with you.
Brian Harrington
LAKE BLUFF, IL USA - Tuesday, October 07, 2003 at 09:40:31 (EDT)
Please remember in your prayers Brian Dionne (Entry Year 1965) who passed away last week.
Joe Macken
East Meadow, NY USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 at 12:06:42 (EDT)
Tried to reach Gary Larson & Jack Coyne, but apparently they found a better bargain and changed their address. Can anyone help? Whenever anyone changes, they should automatically notify the website. Otherwise they are somewhere in orbit.
John "Doc" Mc Cann smm
Bantam, Ct USA - Sunday, August 03, 2003 at 20:43:06 (EDT)
nnamdi alfreedsunstar4real@excite.com
Lou Miller(Entry Class of 1958) sent me the following key to the faces in the photo submitted by Dennis McCarthy (the third last archives photo): Students in the all-school photograph Taken at Montfort Prep in September, 1958 Left to right: 1st row: Vinnie Danza, Tom Palermo, Bill Philbin, Jim Feerick, Jim Murray, John O’Reilly, Arthur Hartnett, Mike Fagan, Jim Casey, Lou Miller; 2nd row: Jack Lyons; Jim Schatz, Bill Mullen, Dennis McCarthy, Charlie Benfante, Louie De Rosa, Jack McDermott, Jim Faulkner, Joe Phelan; 3rd row: Jerry (Jeremiah) Smith, Ken (Whitey) Johnson, Paul Baker, Vic Albetta, Leo Dollard, John Barry, Pat Fleming, Ross Caputo, Danny Braun; 4th row: Ben Colbert, Kevin Lyons, Roland Derosiers, Ed Murphy, Pete Mack, Joe Eber, Joe McCarthy; 5th row: Ken McHatton, Pete Ballenger, Stan Karpowicz, Mike Deacy, Jim Roche, Bill Shea, Chuck Imbergamo, Tony Talarico, Jerry Barry; 6th row: Mike Tucci, Ed Danza, Bob Schimoler, Denis Sullivan, Ed Maslowski, Gene Sawicki, Tommy Williams, Mike Socha; 7th row: John Baffa, Johnny Rinaldi, Hugo Cannon, Jack Hunt, Brian Harrington, Tony Tambasco, Joe Cardinal, Harry Connell, Bob Gorman Our thanks to Dennis and Lou, PLEASE E-MAIL ME ANY OLD PHOTOS, ESPECIALLY GROUP PHOTOS, THAT YOU HAVE. Best to all. Cliff
Cliff Laube (Entry Year 1945)
Southbury, CT USA - Saturday, May 31, 2003 at 09:12:59 (EDT)
Happy Easter week and a happy life to all.I will be glad to hear from anyone who wishes to say Hello. I am also trying to track down Jim Nally (entry year 1947) so if you have a lead I would like to have it.Thanks
Frank Drugan (entry year 1948)
Farmingdale, NY USA - Monday, April 21, 2003 at 11:52:28 (EDT)
Lou Miller (Entry Year 1968) just sent me the identity of 22 more alumni in the Group Photo that we took at Montfort Reunion 2000. If you look at the Photos section of the website, you can enlarge both the photo and the accompanying group photo with the faces numbered. If you click on "Photo List" you will find the identity key to the numbered faces. Good Luck! And a Happy Easter to all!
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Friday, April 18, 2003 at 16:03:30 (EDT)
I have received about a dozen good archive photos from Dennis McCarthy (Entry Year: 1957), John McLeod (Entry Year: 1942) and Fr. Tony Vivona (Entry Year: 1942). George White will be posting them over the next few weeks. Just wanted to thank these alumni for the photos, and encourage others to do likewise. Happy Easter to all!
Cliff Laube (Entry Year: 1945)
Southbury, CT USA - Friday, April 11, 2003 at 07:16:27 (EDT)
Re-"WHO CAN TELL US THE STORY BEHIND THIS FOTO" in "ARCHIVES",Sister Joan Mary D.W. was on the Bay Shore staff, and drove a Montfort car each day.We warned her it was the slippery leaf season, but she returned with a smashed car.Mike Grodotski teased her and posed with the evidence.
BANTAM, CT USA - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 16:04:17 (EST)
Alleluia!!! I finally learned how to submit an entry!! But why don't we get more entries? Please note my new E-mail address. The old one is O.K. and comes into the part-time secretary, but I got my own Gateway last year, in my own office, and this is my personal E-mail address where I would love to hear from anyone. MACCANJON@AOL.COM
John (Doc) Mc Cann smm
Bantam, Ct USA - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 22:54:48 (EST)
BANTAM, CT USA - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 21:10:18 (EST)
growling haven puffs poignant fitting finds cheques weathered sweetheart
Haiku Man
Germany - Monday, July 29, 2002 at 17:13:53 (EDT)
Best regards to Denis
Paul Provost
USA - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 18:44:13 (EDT)
We received the same notice of Marions death and are both shocked and saddened by her passing. We had no idea she was ill. Marion was a fine woman and we have many pleasant memories of her. If we were not so far away we would be there for her funeral and for Denis and their girls. Marion was only 57 years old.
Joe and Elizabeth Cardinal
Naples, FL USA - Monday, May 13, 2002 at 12:36:34 (EDT)
I just received the following e-mail message from Brian Harrington: Dear Current and Former Montfortians: With heavy heart I write to inform you of the death of Marion Sullivan, wife of former Montfortian and my close friend, Denis Sullivan. Marion succumbed to metastatic cancer on May 11, following a nearly yearlong battle. Please remember both of them in your prayers at this most difficult time. Joan and I will shortly depart for New York to do what we can to be supportive to Denis and his three daughters. Funeral arrangements are being handled by Whiting Funeral Home in Sea Cliff, NY. (516) 671-0807. Visitation will take place Sunday evening and Monday afternoon and evening. The funeral service will be at St. Boniface Martyr Church in Sea Cliff on Tuesday morning at 9:30 am. Should you wish to call or write to express your condolences you may do so as follows: Mr. Denis Sullivan 6 The Knolls Locust Valley, NY 11560 Phone: (516) 676-0583 e-mail: denisfsullivan@hotmail.com Should you know of others not included on the above address list, who would want to receive this news would you kindly forward this e-mail to them or advise them by whatever means you find most convenient. May she rest in peace and God bless each of you for your care and concern. Brian Harrington Investiture Class of 1961
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 08:08:57 (EDT)
Father George Werner (entry class of 1944) writes that Father Ben (Bernard) Blood (entry class of 1937)has had some recent setbacks in his battle with bone cancer, and is in the hospital with a major hemorrhage of an artery. Father Blood resides at the Bay Shore Spiritual Center. Father George, who is superior at Bay Shore, also writes that "he hopes to re-do the retreat dining room in July. Most of the work we will do with volunteer help, but some things, like the electrical, fixtures, tables and chairs for 80 persons we'll have to buy, plus the material we'll use. All the present chairs etc. are original from when it was the prep seminary in 1962!" If any of you are in a position to help out, I'm sure George would love to hear from you. George White (entry year of 1963) is working on a way to present the old copies of The Acolyte on the website. Stay tuned! Cliff
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 04:47:21 (EDT)
The website needs photos from your days at Bay Shore. Please send them to me at 556D Heritage Village, Southbury CT 06488. I will scan them and send them to George White who is managing our site. Then I will immediately return them to you. We especially need photos from the 50's 60's and 70's. My own collection is mostly from the forties, and I've just about exhausted them for the website. You can also send them in JPEG format to me at claube@aol.com Be sure to identify all alumni in the photos that you send. Also, Frank Drugan and I have been trying to locate Jim Nally. If anyone has a recent address or knows anything about his whereabouts, please let me know. Thanks. Cliff Laube (Entry Year: 1945)
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Monday, March 11, 2002 at 05:32:44 (EST)
To Paul Provost... If a person wanted to contribute money toward construction of the school (or renovation of the roof above it) to whom would the check be made payable and to what address would it be mailed? If you can furnish this information, perhaps some funds will begin to flow....... Brian H............
Brian Harrington
Lake Bluff, IL USA - Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 19:47:40 (EST)
NAPLES, FL USA - Friday, December 28, 2001 at 16:58:24 (EST)
Sue S. e-mailed me this web site and I am so happy I visited! It was great to see pictures of people I haven't seen in many years. Frank Kennedy was always at Uncle Cliffs when I was a child, and what a funny man. I remember his children as babies. Some names are familiar to me from Dad (Andrew) always talking about the fun times in Connecticut, Italy, and Long Island. A wonderful trip back to those days. Thank you so much:) YOu all have aged very gracefully. Kathleen
Kathleen Hoynes Malfi
Lansdale, PA USA - Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 12:58:24 (EST)
Thank you to all who prayed for my brother, Tom. Unfortunately Tom lost his battle with cancer last week. I would now ask you to pray for the repose of his soul. We know that he is in a much better place with Jesus and Mary.
Joe Macken
Joe Macken
Joe Macken
East Meadow, NY USA - Monday, November 26, 2001 at 23:41:08 (EST)
I recently received an invitation from George Werner and the entire Montfort Community to attend a Mass of Thanksgiving on November 24th. Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it, but I would very much like to see everyone again. However, the invitation got me to thinking...George noted that the Eucharist will be celebrated to honor the Montforts' benefactors. I guess I need to put a plug in here for Fathers Bly, Fazzina and Vigilotta (my Latin profs)--because it dawned on me that the Latin translation of benefactor is a "do-gooder". It just seems to me that the real "do-gooders" for those of us who studied at Bay Shore and elsewhere in the Montfort Community are all of the Montforts and Daughters of Wisdom who taught, mentored and took care of us, and who demonstrated through their daily lives what it means to be a committed Christian. For all of our lives, we shall be grateful to these benefactors, and to them we owe our unending gratitude. Warmest wishes to all. Mickey Tierney
mickey tierney
st. louis, mo USA - Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 18:55:25 (EST)
Visitor's Name: paul provost
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: China
Comments: Friends, At this time of sorrow in our country, I join with all of you in grieving for the loss of life of thousands and for the loss of innocence of our world. Although lives have been drastically changed throughout the world, some things continue in China without immediate concern. One puts me in the position of our beloved fund raiser George Werner. On a much smaller scale, a village where I visit needs a new school, but will first settle for a new roof, and then build the school under it. There are myriad ways to show concern and brotherhood in the world at such a time as this, but I couldn't help but put out the need, just in case someone has an inkling or a connection that can bring this need to fruition. Second, and on a easier note, there are students here who want to go abroad to study but need help in getting information about graduate programs which would offer ta position or some such assistance. If anyone knows of such. I would love to hear from you. I am a neophyte on the web, so please be kind in your comments about how easy it is to search...Easy for you, Difficult for me... Thanks. With prayers for America and the world, Paul Provost
Sign Time: September 21 2001 at 23:38:13
Visitor's Name: Brian Harrington
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Lake Bluff, Illinois
Comments: Regret I will be unable to accept Fr. Werner's kind invitation to attend the August 15, memorial celebration in Bay Shore. I knew and well remember almost all on the necrology list. Special remembrance for Frs. Bemelmans, LeClair, McCoy, Peers, Otchy, Graham, McMillan, Plank, White, Carpenter and Farrell. Also Bros. Gallagher, Panigutti, and Martinez. All left their permanent and positive influence on my life, for which I will always be grateful. May they rest in peace.
Sign Time: July 28 2001 at 11:26:41
Visitor's Name: Cliff Laube
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Southbury CT
Comments: I had a very interesting 45-minute telephone call last week from Allan Palmer. Allan went to Bay Shore from September 1945 to June 1946. He was from Schroon Lake NY, and now lives in Seattle, Washington. Those of you who were at Bay Shore in 1945-46 will remember him with a bow-tie. He was one of the best ping-pong players at the time. Allan received our MR2000 mailings, and just wanted to talk. He had a career as an antiques dealer, and is now 72 years old. He never married. Allan says that he still has his old latin missal, and a little altar in his home. He asked about his old classmates and professors, and I brought him up to date. If any of you get similar calls from alumni who were unablle to attend the Reunion, please share with us their present location, family info, etc. Best to all, Cliff
Sign Time: May 05 2001 at 09:38:52
Visitor's Name: mickey tierney
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:
Comments: in looking at the archives, there is a picture of boms basketball players taken in the 60's; I think top row 2nd from left is Tommy Jesaitis (spelling is prb. wrong); long shot is that top row on far right is Jack Coyne; either John or Mike Putnam may be in middle of bottom row. Regards, Mick
Sign Time: April 15 2001 at 18:12:32
Visitor's Name: mickey tierney
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: st. Louis
Comments: to celebrate Montfort's feast day in St. Louis, we are having a mini-reunion, consisting of afternoonn golf on the 29th, followed by a BBQ at my house. Dick and Al Schebera, Bill Shea, Lous Vlasaty and perhaps Rich Collins will be in attendance. We'll be thinking of y'all.
Sign Time: April 15 2001 at 18:03:28
Visitor's Name: Susan Schultz
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Stephentown, ny
Comments: This website is wonderful! Thank you to all involved. I am blessed to still have the friendships of many of you since Chick died; seeing pictures of his early years brings much joy. Just for general information, our sons are grown: Bob does computer "stuff," Matt is a youth minister for the Presbytery of Alaska, and will be attending seminary with his wife (and baby James) at Princeton in the fall. Greg is an acting student in Oneonta.... and is the image of Chick at that age. All three have his gentle spirit and outrageous sense of humor! They keep me sane(I think.) I am a Hospice Chaplain and was recently ordained a Baptist minister; the power and joy of that day was enhanced immeasurably by the presence of our Montfort family - the Laubes, the Dilgens and Frank Kennedy. Ordination never leaves this family; it just changes locations! My love to you all. Sue (mongofred@aol.com)
Sign Time: April 08 2001 at 22:04:47
Visitor's Name: George White
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Easton, Massachusetts
Comments: Have you ever noticed how certain memories of "formation" are triggered from time to time. I was driving to work this morning and listening to a choral arrangement of the Magnificat by John Rutter. As I listened, emotions of both gladness and sadness welled up in me. I was transported in time and space back to 1964, to a chapel in Bay Shore, standing near the pipe organ, learning the harmony of an arrangement of the Magnificat that Fr. Ed Blydenburgh was teaching his schola cantorum. I remember tears coming to my eyes the first time I heard the melody and harmony of that awesome confession of faith, as that sound flowed from the mouths of a group of teen age boys. To this day, it remains planted in my heart as one of the most beautiful sounds my soul has ever heard. I know now that it was not the music alone, but also the grace and example of a humble priest who was sharing a magnificent spiritual experience with a group of young men – an experience that words alone could not convey, and one that he likely knew would also touch our souls.
Sign Time: April 05 2001 at 08:37:07
Visitor's Name: Cliff Laube
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Southbury CT
Comments: Long Island Alumni Alert! Please check the NEWS section on the website. Father George Werner is planning a special day of prayer on the Feast of St. Louis de Montfort, (April 28) modeled after the closing ceremonies that Montfort used in his missions in France. Details in the news section.
Sign Time: March 21 2001 at 17:12:42
Visitor's Name: PAUL provost
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Nanchang,Jiangxi, PRC
Comments: Dear Alum, China is looking for teachers. If anyone has limited retirement income,you can live well on it here in Nanchang. Plus you can work for money until you speak any more. Plus, a reunion. I am the contact for this city. Welcome . Kids invited too and grandkids. My I am getting old. Paul provost9@china.com
Sign Time: March 18 2001 at 00:39:01
Visitor's Name: mickey tierney
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: St. Louis, MO
Comments: The Reunion brought back a flood of memories, not only of fond days at Bay Shore, Hartford City and St. Louis, but of all the absolutely wonderful, deeply committed Christian men and women who mentored, taught and inspired me over my 5 years with the Montfort community. What a crew--to name just a few: Fr. Landry (mon pere)--who imbued in me a sense of awe and wonder for French lanaguage and culture; Fr. Vigilotta, who gave us a practical, yet prosaic, approach to Latin; Fr. Bly--my spiritual counsellor, Master of the Schola Cantorum and a wonderful Latin scholar; Jim Manning, responsible for a time at Bay Shore for waking us up and hammering into us eloquent writing and reading skills; Fr. Blais--who was Rector at Bay Shore while I was there; Jerry Pramuk, who worked hard to impart ot us the basic principles of physics; Chick Schultz--soccer coach extraordinaire; and the Brothers and sisters who kept the whole place running smoothly--Bro. Joachim, Mother Ange and Sister Hilaire (now knownby another name, I am told). And then there was Willy Farrell, who taught us math;; and Fr. Fazzina and Martin Curley---I could go on and on, I guess--and I apologize to those whom I have omitted. Bay Shore was such an idyllic pasture for all of us, where we were nourished, protected, and taken care of--both physically and spiritually. I owe such a special debt to the Montfort community--and it is one that I cannot possibly repay. The Reunion was a hearwarming experience--it was like travelling in a time capsule. Unfortunately, I did not attend the coctail party the night before, so I only had a few hours to get caught up with scads of people. But it was fabulous to do so--and it was especially touching to have had my wife Alicia and my two children along (Colin -10; and Madeleine-7)so that they could witness firsthand the inspiring sense of community and fellowship all of us have, even after decades of separation. Many thanks to all who worked on the project, especially Frank Allen and Cliff Laube and Brian Harrington--and George Werner. The Reunion brought many values back into focus for me--and I am grateful to you all.
Sign Time: March 10 2001 at 19:10:03
Visitor's Name: Joe Macken
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: East Meadow, New York
Comments: I was able to identify some of our family members in the group picture from our reunion. # 25 is Joe Britelli; #60 is Steve Krisher; #97 is Steve Blaum; #98 is Joe Macken. I hope that helps and I hope we are able to identify all the unnamed people shortly.
Sign Time: March 01 2001 at 11:23:37
Visitor's Name: Larry Hellmann
Homepage URL: http://www.ncfc.net
You are from: San Diego,CA
Comments: As wonderful as it was to see everyone again, my daughter was impressed even more that so many people could get together and know so many of one another (and get along.) I was very proud that she could see the love and connection that we had. There were many who had been lost and found their way back. Some who were missed who will hopefully find us again. Thanks to all those who worked so diligently and hard to put the reunion together. May the next one be as successful.
Sign Time: February 19 2001 at 09:17:48
Visitor's Name: Michael Lonski
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: North Babylon NY
Comments: I know that I'm real late with this, but I just have to thank Cliff Laube, Brian Harrington, Father Allen, and all who helped put the whole thing together. And thanks to all who attended!. It was so great seeing all of you, especially my complete graduation class of 1970. Hi Gary, Steve, Mike and Barry.
Sign Time: February 09 2001 at 11:20:33
Visitor's Name: Father John Breslin
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: dominican republic
Comments: I liked your web page but could not find anything on it. You have no photos, no reflections and it seems as though you are a work in progress. A good work no doubt but one that does not give me the information I seek. I wish you all well and was so happy to see you at the reunion. May God bless us all.
Sign Time: January 28 2001 at 11:31:14
Visitor's Name: jack phelan
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Syosset, NY
Comments: Thanks to all for the great work that went into the reunion and the photos. The day itself was a very moving experience which words do not adequately describe. I was glad to meet my classmates and friends. It has been a long time. Looking forward to another chance to get together. Best wishes to all... Jack
Sign Time: January 26 2001 at 21:38:29
Visitor's Name: James Schachner
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: San Jose Ca
Comments: My E-Mail address for those that would like to contact me is ravmastr@aol.com
Sign Time: January 23 2001 at 12:30:04
Visitor's Name: james Schachner
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: San Jose Ca
Comments: Recieved a message from Mike Haggerty and since then my computer crashed and I lost the E-Mail address. Please wite again so I may answer. Also seen a message from Steve Blaum on this web site. Hello Steve.
Sign Time: January 23 2001 at 12:25:05
Visitor's Name: Mike Parrotta
Homepage URL: http://www.buffalocity.net/basilicawebsite
You are from: Jamestown, North Dakota
Comments: Hi, I know I missed a really special event but I could not get away. I have only the fondest of memories for the SMM and the nine years I spent in Bay Shore then Litchfield. My heart is Montfortian and always will be. As some of you may know I have reentered studies for the priesthood for the diocese of Fargo. I get ordained Deacon next Saturday Jan27 and will be ordained priest on June 2. I hope to be celebrating a Mass of Thanksgiving at my parish in Ozone Park the SMM parish of Gate of Heaven. If you are around plese come and pray with me. Since I left Litchfield I had a full life, married two children and now have four grandchildren who live in Hollywood, Florida the home of chads, dimples etc I moved to Miami back in 1968.I am fulfilling my life's dream as a priest of God and still very Marian and Montfortian. I ask you to pray for me and if you are ever in ND look me up. You are always welcome. God bless Ad Jesum Per Mariam. Mike
Sign Time: January 20 2001 at 13:09:51
Private message. Click here to read it.
Visitor's Name: Cliff Laube ('45 - '50)
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Southbury CT 06488
Comments: We really all owe a debt of gratitude to George White who coninues to manage this Website with quality work. Special thanks to George for posting the two group photos and ID key. And a word of thanks to my son Cliff who came up with the idea and know-how to put those ID numbers on our heads in the group photo! Now we need you all to help us identify all 119 of the attendees in the picture!
Sign Time: January 19 2001 at 10:27:42
Guest Book Entries from the Montfort Alumni.org Web Site
Entries are in reverse chronological order from January, 2005 to November, 2000. You may want to begin at page 41, which is the end of the document.
Just received the general invite to the 2005 Reunion. I will be there!! This is my first time at the website. Should have checked it out a lot sooner. Looked at the picture from the 2000 reunion. It's amazing how time flies. Had a wonderful time back then and was hoping another reunion would be set up soon. In that picture the identity of person #109 is incorrect. It is actually Brian Jermusyk. #110 is myself and #112 is Tom Cruciani. All of us, includign Don LaSalle entered in 1967 and graduated together in 1971. Best regards to all and God Bless.
Joe Vitone
Trumbull, CT USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 18:16:05 (EST)
I like the new Archives page, now we need some new pictures.
Matt Kennedy
Ronkonkoma, NY USA - Thursday, January 06, 2005 at 06:22:26 (EST)
It would be great to have a list of our names and addresses on the website as well. It would be greatly appreciated. May everyone have a happy and blessed new year in 2005!
larry Hellmann
Vista, CA USA - Tuesday, January 04, 2005 at 12:51:49 (EST)
I am amazed to read the phantom's complaints. I, too, survived the early sixties in Bay Shore. Yes, there were lots of problems, lots of growing up, lots of fit-ins and exclusions. Often I was in my own world. Having three children, each 10 1/2 years apart, my youngest, a daughter, now a month shy of 17, I see that our teen years of rebellion and out-growth were spent in the seclusion of seeking our place with God and the world and the devil. I confess that my experience with Catholicism in the seminary led me to question mankind, faith, God, the devil -well, life. I believe that is the best thing about Bay Shore. I admit I did not miss girls. I made up for it immediately after. I did not miss booze and drugs. I went to college. (I am a recovering alcoholic with my last drink and mind altering drug usage Sept. 14, 1975 at 4:04 PM as I sat in a car outside a rehab in-patient center in Mahopac, NY.) I did not miss politics. I worked on the McCarthy and Kennedy campaigns in Indiana in the tragic '68 election fiasco. One big ETC. I still remember the day I was asked to leave after shower and on the way to breakfast. Father Manning took me by the upper arm and led me off to the sinks and told me that I was being asked to leave. I was shocked. It was unexpected. Father Manning said: "you must have known you did not fit in." I thought I was seeking answers. Looking back, I certainly did not fit in with the program. I spent a few days with Lou Miller's parents' house. Mrs. Miller had several good talks with me, talked about life and its beginning, not its ending. I had a crush on Eleanor. She was such a sweetheart. I hid on a farm in Southern Indiana, North Vernon, for a while until I could work up the face to go visit my parents and tell them. I do not remember much of the next year until Palm Sunday the next year. I had driven over from Kokomo to Hartford City and visited with some of the seminarians but most importantly with Father George Werner. In our conversation, he told me that I had to follow my conscience and leave the Catholic Church. Too many questions. Too much doubt. On the way home back to Kokomo, the skies got dark, the radio went out, a train noise got louder and louder. Suddenly on the horizon, I saw a funnel cloud. A tornado was traveling down the right side of the highway devastating everything in its path. It was plucking telephone poles out of the ground as we pick candles off birthday cakes. A tractor was in the air, a cow, pieces of houses, the car in front of me by several car lengths. Up and over! I drove off the road to the left to the next road and on to 31 North. I was stopped by the police who wanted to know where I had come from, how I got through. Russiaville had been totally destroyed, not a place left standing. The Southern part of Greentown was destroyed and wiped off the field. What a message for me. I have spent the rest of my life in search of my God, my conscience, my place in the Cosmos. I am now an elder in the Seventh Day Adventist Church, active in a temperance program and Religious Liberty. I work with attorneys, the legislature and the court system regarding the role of father in the lives of children in this day of easy family destruction and divorce. The children need fathers to grow up. In many ways, Montfort in Bay Shore assumed that role for us all. I remember Father Marty Curley and his brother, Father Gamache, Fathers Charest, Vigliani (or o, I don’t remember), Minsterman, Bresnan, Darling, of course, Father Werner and more, the Brothers, especially D.P., may he rest in peace. They were guides, not gods, and they steered us not always in the ways we wanted. I remember not liking too much of it. I remember my conduct grades (or lack thereof.) It certainly showed a difference in opinion. I remember a great group of kids, not all of whom I got along with from time to time, not liking some at one time or another. But all in all, none of whom I hate or dislike today. I believe the lack was on my part. What of the Reunion in 2000. I took my daughter with me. Lauren was amazed. She had more questions than comments. Questions good for me to hear. How did I get where I am by going through Bay Shore. What a long strange trip it’s been! Indeed! I had to begin answering her questions, but they were more answers for me than for her. But the important part for me was to see where we had all gone from there – Lou Miller, Mark Kintzley, Pete Mc Gorry, Tom Jesaitas, Frank Ballinger, Jack Coyne, Marc Burgett, Joe Valentine, etc. The list goes on. Many memories. Many bad. Many horrible. If that is the way we want. We were all kids. We were all human. We were all growing –a work in process not done till the final page. What is there to be bitter about? Where are we now, that is what is important. Let go of the past. Get on with today. I do not know who the phantom is. I am sure I remember Bob Coyle, a short timer around ’63 or so. He was a nice kid, like all of us, searching. Lou Miller sent me an email and told me that a 2005 reunion is being held. I missed some guys I would like to see again, some of whom I have forgotten but would like to see again to stir my memory. They are good memories. But the best part is to see how we have all grown, who we have all become. Where is Frank Golle, Massey, O’Reilly, Schatz, many more. What are we doing? Who are we today. I am proud of what we have all become. I believe we are all better for Bay Shore, whether it was a good experience for us or not. One thing it did was to teach us – it taught us what we did like and what we did not like. Just like all of life. I do not know who the phantom is. But I would like to invite him personally to come and see who we are now. That is the fun of it. Who are we now? Leave the kids back in the sixties, or whatever year. Forgive. Believe me. God forgives us all, and He has a lot to forgive. We need to learn to forgive ourselves, and others. Don’t we pray “Forgive us as we forgive those who have hurt us” daily? Bay Shore is not full of the best memories. But it has many of our best memories if we want to concentrate on the best of life. Bay Shore has the worst of memories, as Dickens said: it was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . . As Jesus said, suffer little children to come to me. We are all God’s children. P.S. My new and present address is 932 Westport Lane, Vista, CA 92084. Phone (760) 212-9628. Email: lhellmann760@sbcglobal.net Use any at anytime. July in Bay Shore!
Larry Hellmann
Vista, CA USA - Tuesday, January 04, 2005 at 12:38:19 (EST)
Wishing all the Blessings of this great holiday season and Peace and Health in the New Year.
Matt Kennedy
port ewen, N.Y. USA - Wednesday, December 22, 2004 at 00:14:41 (EST)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
Frank Drugan
Farmingdale , NY USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 at 02:25:35 (EST)
Holiday Greetings to you and yours
Joe Cardinal
Naples, FL USA - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 at 23:36:20 (EST)
I entered St. Louis in 1958 as a Freshman and left in November of 1960. The pictures and names bring back some fond memories.
Joseph Phelan
Waianae, Hi USA - Thursday, December 09, 2004 at 20:14:11 (EST)
Well spoken, George White! Suspect many visitors to this website agree with your comments. I understand Lou Miller intends to organize another reunion in 2005. If it comes off it would be interesting to continue this exchange in person. If Phantom decides to attend, I believe he would discover that there was lots of wheat among the chaff.
Brian Harrington
LAKE BLUFF, IL USA - Tuesday, December 07, 2004 at 19:48:01 (EST)
When I created this web site, I noted that it was intended to be, among other things, a place of sharing and healing. Many of us, whether as seminarians, clergy or laymen, have suffered over these many decades due to the excesses and neglect of those religious men and women who should have known better. And in and out of the religious community, friendships have suffered as factions grew with divergent understandings of the mission of the Church and its priorities. I have observed that the pain and injustice we have witnessed or experienced can often develop into deep and chronic anger and resentment. While I appreciate your strong feelings and sense of injustice, I wish to offer another view, and not out of any loyalty to the Montfort community. I came to understand that Bob came to Bay Shore with a great deal of baggage, as did many of the young men in those days. The priests attempted to weed those applicants who sought to enter for the wrong reasons, especially those who were seriously dysfunctional either religiously or psychologically. For too many young men, the seminary was a logical escape and a way of resolving a distorted sense of sin and personal defect. By and large, Montfort did a pretty good job of weeding out those applicants, but occasionally some slipped through. I think Bob was a case in point. I believe it became apparent to anyone who observed him that Bob was unable to socialize in any meaningful way, and the outward manifestations of his inner turmoil to his peers was significant enough that they were confused and even scared of being with him. And as the manifestations increased and Bob became all the more isolated, some certainly taunted him, as unfortunately even the best of us often do at that age. But a cover up? I believe what came of the incident was more a growing awareness, based on similar and perhaps less serious examples, that the minor seminary was not the healthiest place for certain young men. Some of us survived and prospered, while for others it was an unhealthy psychological and emotional burden. And this was not a phenomenon that was unique to Bay Shore or to the Montfort community. As it happens, I've let other childhood injustices fester and rent space in my head, and they still return from time to time. Fortunately for me, Montfort was a place where I experience the example of a handful of priests who really cared even for me, that skinny non-athletic kid who at times exhibited limited social skills. I consider myself fortunate to have come away from the seminary experience with sadness and empathy for people like Bob rather than anger and resentment. And that empathy has severed my family well. When one of my sons experienced horrific abuse and bullying at a similar age, my wife and I were sufficiently sensitive to the symptoms of victimization, and able to get him help that has turned his life around. Phantom, it sounds like you've been carrying the burden of Bob for a long time. I hope you can remain committed to your obvious concern for those who are victims of serious emotional pain and at the same time come to see your experience in Bay Shore as a life lesson that can be appreciated as the source of a healthy compassion rather than resentment. I write this knowing firsthand how resentments have at times blinded me from the reality that people are human, and how easy it is for me to generalize injustice and deficiencies, especially as it relates to the Church. I've come to believe that resentments effectively punish me, and that I cannot spend my time fighting the darkness. Rather, to the extent possible, I must attempt reflect the light. And that is challenging enough for me.
George White
Easton, MA USA - Thursday, December 02, 2004 at 13:04:58 (EST)
I didn't intend to turn this Guest Book into a Forum, but it looks as if has become just that ... afterthe uncalled for comment to me, I have decided that I will refrain from making any further entries into the Guest Book - this should be a place where ideas and memories are exchanged, not verbal punches. For those who answered my questions and observations in a civil manner, thank you. God bless to all of you. The Phantom ...
The Phantom
USA - Thursday, December 02, 2004 at 12:45:49 (EST)
Top O the morning to all the fellows who had the great privilage of attending Montfort Prep. Seminary at Bay Shore,NY. I was only at Bay Shore for 2 yrs & a few months. '48-'51. I found it to be a great memorable experience which has sustained me through some extremely difficult times,ie: alcoholism and the complete collapse of the whole house of cards that comes with that. I never lost my faith in God and his tender mercies. I credit this to the firm belief in the intercession of His Blessed Mother which was firmly implanted by the good and holy fathers who were entrusted with my care for a very short period. I am weller than well today and very happy and will always be very grateful to St.Louis De Montfort and all Montfortians. Good Luck & God Bless one and all.
Frank Drugan
Farmingdale, NY USA - Thursday, December 02, 2004 at 10:47:12 (EST)
Just found your website. It’s great! I attended Bay Shore from academic years 64 – 68 and St. John’s 68 – 69. Your website brought back a lot of memories. My Montfort experience was a blessing in many ways and I want to thank God and the wonderful Montfort faculty and staff who helped me academically and spiritually. Thank you and God bless you.
Ed Makepeace
Warner Robins, GA USA - Friday, November 26, 2004 at 15:16:01 (EST)
Hello, Brian Harrington .... I can see, from your comments, that you were a happy camper out there in Bay Shore. That's good !!! Nothing wrong with that at all ... glad to see somebody got something out of that place. To answer your questions, I choose to remain anonymous .... my name is not important, as you probably don't know me anyway. I went to Bay Shore between 1960 and 1970 ...as for why I stayed as long as I did, I was only there a few years and then left - finally got smart about the whole rotten system. You're right ....Jesus did say 'Come, follow me' .... I don't recall that he said that it would have be such a depriving, negative experience to do it .... no radios, limited contact with parents, siblings, friends, life in general, loss of female companionship - what a waste of your formative years .... how can a person minister to people in the outside world, when thier own development has been so severely curtailed, their own desires so severely squelched ?? Life is full of choices, that's true .... but sometimes we don't realize the full ramifications of our choices ... fortunately I did and got out. You have a lot of praise for the Montforts .... good, it was a great experience for you. I don't have a lot of praise ... as I mentioned to George White, I saw a lot of unchristian stuff go on there .... there were priests placed in charge of us who had no business being priests at all !!! I probably am not a spiritual person to begin with ... I am more of a practical person .... ministry in God's work on a more practical level, like working with drug addicts or people in prison. You don't have to forsake marriage and sex and parenting in order to do God's work ... that was something the Catholic Church created !!! I saw more decent acts of charity and consideration done by people who never set foot in a seminary ... I developed more as a person while in military service than I ever did as a seminarian .... I did learn one thing from Montfort - how NOT to treat others !!! You saw 'selfless people' at Montfort ??? Boy, did I miss something !!! More like 'selfish' .... let me tell you this - if you weren't a scholastic or athletic achiever, or one of the countless brown nosers, you lived in the periphery of Montfort, kind of a 'non person' - that is a pretty poor indictment for a community that was supposedly built on Christian Community ..... tell me this, if Montfort was so great, why is there next to nothing left of it ??? There are a handful of priests and that's it ... the minor seminary probably doesn't exist anymore, as there isn't a need for it ... who would want to go there anyway ?? I guess that I have kicked up a lot of dust for the various Montfortian types who loved the place. Hey, if you liked it, all the more power to you .... personally, I think the place was a waste .... thanks for your response. The Phantom ....
The Phantom
USA - Saturday, November 13, 2004 at 12:26:38 (EST)
Hello, George White. Why did Flavius Gamache talk about 'particular friendships and sleeping on your back ?' Don't remember that ... at any rate, it seems like Novitiate was the time that you grew spiritually .... and I am glad that you had some positive experience regarding Montfort .... seems like Bay Shore may not have been great for you either. Yeah, I remember that night when a student had a problem .... funny thing was that no one was ever taken to task for that incident, either those in charge or the parties responsible. Nice thing to have happen in a place that was supposedly committed to Christian Community .... what a joke !! I saw more unchristian things happen there ... and saw a lot of things ignored. The place was a waste - it stunk !!! And I make no bones about it .... I saw people get disciplined for minor offenses, while something like what happened to that student went unpunished or was forgotten about. What kind of young boy can benefit from a system like what we had there ?? No radios, limited contact with the outside world, nothing other than old priests and young boys as your confreres. Anyway, thanks for your response. Later .... will talk more. The Phantom
The Phantom
USA - Saturday, November 13, 2004 at 11:59:30 (EST)
Hello Phantom. Your comments have attracted my curiosity. I have a few questions and comments for you... 1. Why do you choose to not reveal your identity? 2. How long did you spend at Montfort Seminary? 3. If you were unhappy, why didn't you choose to leave sooner? I spent from age 13 to age 23 in seminary and left prior to ordination. I have been happily married for 36 years. While in seminary I missed female companionship, money and many of the other things available to other young men of my age. Most (perhaps all) of my fellow seminarians missed them too. The point was that in responding to Jesus' invitation to "come follow me" we knew that this meant leaving mother, father, brother, sister, etc. It was clear from the beginning that this would be difficult and indeed it was. However, every time I returned for a new academic year, I had to choose whether or not to do so. Presumably, we all were free to leave (as I eventually did). The consequences of my choices were known to me. In all cases, I thought I was making the correct decision. My entire life (before and after seminary) has been filled with choices. Yes, I would probably make different choices with benefit of hindsight, but wouldn't we all? Interesting to me is the fact that my many friends who never went to seminary missed a lot also, even if they were unaware of it. Community life spent in the company of some of the most selfless and remarkable people I have ever known was just one of those experiences. There were many others too numerous to list here. I'm sorry your experience was not as satisfying as my own. If I knew who you were, I'd offer to buy you a beer and discuss it in the depth it deserves.
Brian Harrington
LAKE BLUFF, IL USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 at 12:38:48 (EST)
Hey, Phantom. I suspect that many of us have some of the same feelings about our adolescence at Bay Shore. I for one was extremely introverted and naive regarding anything to do with sexuality. I remember Father Flavius Gamache speaking to us in study hall about particular friendships and sleeping on your back, and I hadn't the faintest idea what he was talking about. Like Lou, I was also filled with a certain idealism that was in keeping with the times and my upbringing. I entered Bay Shore in my junior year after others had established key friendships. Being the naive loner, I did not find Bay Shore particularly painful at the time. Any isolation I experienced I considered part of the sacrifice of preparing for the priesthood. And while I made several friends during my two years at Bay Shore, unlike Lou I have not kept in touch with them over the years. That was essentially my doing -- I have always had a tendency to quietly walk away from relationships. Was it worth it? Well, judged by Bay Shore alone, I might answer "No." But after Bay Shore, I went on to the novitiate in Hartford City, and it's there where I developed a spirituality that has been a treasure over the years. I credit people like Fr. George Werner and others who challenged my pre-Vatican II concepts and presented a view of the Church and liturgy that has sustained me during all the ups and downs of life, and the insanity of recent history in the Church and our nation. I still struggle with fitting in with social situations, and have a tendency to stay peripheral. But that was something I brought to Bay Shore, and not the result of its formation. I have been married for 33 years and Teri and I have five wonderful children. I am still in the process of becoming the fully human child of the Father, and thankfully my idealism as a layman, while often challenged, is still alive and active by the grace of God and through the many friendships I have developed in my local Christian community. And yes, I too remember the student you refer to , and the day his internal pain put him over the edge. I'd be interested to hear more from you, Phantom. I suspect that we all have more in common than you might suspect.
George White
North Easton, MA USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 at 12:06:37 (EST)
Hello, Lou Miller .... thank you for your response. There was one student, kind of a quiet guy who tried to fit in ... and it was tough. As I remember, he was subjected to a lot of ridicule by the other students; he left after he was there about six months. It seems that you view your time in Montfort as a positive experience .... that's good. You made some close friends that you maintained contact with over the years. I, on the other hand, did not have an overall positive experience. Looking back on it, I feel that the whole thing was a waste - very little, if any, good came out of it. I recall the place as depressing and repressing. The best memory I have of the place was leaving it .... for good. After I left, my life opened up so much and I began to live - and to see just how great life really was. At Montfort, I existed; when I left, I lived again. I could now experience the things that I wanted and should have experienced .... dating, social interaction with people other than old priests and young boys, having a real job, earning money, going to dances and parties. As for comparing girls to vacationing on the Riviera, well, I never had a biological urge to vacation on the Riviera, but I did crave the company of the opposite sex. And that was forbidden in Montfort, of course. I wonder how I lasted as long as I did ... Like I said, the best memory I have is when I left the place. It seems, though, that I am in a minority, looking over the pages of this guestbook. Many people have many happy memories of Montfort Seminary ... guess I missed out. Thanks again for your response .... later.
The Phantom
USA - Friday, November 05, 2004 at 14:20:06 (EST)
Yo Phantom, About your question: I imagine most guys thought going to Bay Shore would be different than staying home for high school. But we were all pretty altruistic at the time and figured it was worth the trade off. About missing things like cars - I’d have missed that even if I’d stayed home during the high school years. As to girls, I kinda think I missed that experience while at Bay Shore kinda like I missed summers on the French Riviera or skiing in the Swiss Alps - you can’t miss what you had no experience with at that time. I do admit to being pretty naive and insecure with my abilities to schmooze with members of the faireer sex when I became a civilian again at the age of 22 and having some awkward - and painful, I might add - moments, but in the long run, got lucky and have had a terrific relationship with a lovely lady for the past 35 years. In the final analysis, from a perspective now of almost 40 years, I feel I gained much more than I lost from having attended Montfort Prep; having been trained academically, morally and spiritually by the dedicated group of SMMs who served as faculty at Bay Shore during those years - Vigi, Willie Farrell, Marty Curley, Andy Hoynes, Jim Manning, Frank Carpenter, to name a few and, of course, John Breslin, who continues to do great things as an MD and a priest in the Dominican Republic. I also established friendships that have lasted a lifetime and still help me get through the ups and downs of living on a daily basis, even though its often months and years between visits with many guys. And, based on the turnout at MR2000 and the sense of camaraderie that filled the atmosphere during those days, I suspect my feelings are not unique. Hope that provides some feedback from at least one point of view; any other comments out there? Lou Miller Bay Shore: ‘58 - 64; SMM seminarian ‘til ‘66.
Lou Miller
USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 16:52:40 (EDT)
Does anybody feel like they missed out on things while attending Montfort ?? Like girls, cars, teenage life, etc ?? Would be curious to know ...
The Phantom
USA - Wednesday, September 01, 2004 at 14:54:58 (EDT)
Was going through the site once again and re the reunion in 2000, I wish I had known about it, I surley would have attended. I was working out of the 3rd Pct. in Bay Shore at the time and living in Port Jefferson. I tried to ID some of the faces before checking the list and I only came up with Larry Helman,only because of his e-mail and Tom Jesiatis. Hey TJ are you still in Florida? Got an E-Mail from Jim O'sullivan and would also like to hear from some of my other classmates/other seminarians from the 60's. The photos and letters brought back many fond memeries. I think I have some photos somewhere, I will search through my "OLD STUFF" and forward them. Does anyone remember our class of 1960 "newspaper" "The Freshman Flashes"? Father Pete McCrann helped us with that, and as I recall was cause for some "discussion" from the upper classmen. I know there were a bunch of pictures taken for the "paper"(more like a poster-board). I'll be in Port Jefferson for a few weeks at the end of September, I will try and see Fr. McCrann, if he's still at South Side Hospital. Regards, Al Droscoski
Al Droscoski
Captain Cook, Hi USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 at 15:13:33 (EDT)
Having located this website I now feel terribly guilty about not seeing Fr. McCann as often as I should...Sorry, Doc. I was at Montfort 1968-1971 Funny thing though, Al Droscoski and I worked a sector and a shift apart in the SCPD, and I don't recall ever realizing that we had a connection through Montfort. Any of my former Classmates out there?
Jim O'Sullivan
Naugatuck, CT USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 at 05:41:41 (EDT)
Just read below entry from Al Droscoski, I retired from SCPD, ES Section in 1987, was at Bay Shore from 1952 thru 1956. Tom Veerbeck is also an alumni of both Montfort and SCPD.
Matt Kennedy
Ronkonkoma, NY USA - Monday, August 02, 2004 at 23:26:57 (EDT)
Stumbled onto this web site accidently, glad I did. Was great looking and trying to remember old class mates. I was at Monfort from 1960 thru 1962. Retired from Suffolk County Police in 2002. Enjoyed the memories of the seminary each time I attended our detectives Association picnic held on the grounds. Another alumni Joe Phelan lives in Hawaii on Oahu, I live on the Big Island--Hawaii Regards to all, will come back to the site again soon. Al
Albert Droscoski
Captain Cook, Hi USA - Sunday, August 01, 2004 at 19:40:14 (EDT)
Father Ray Graham was superior at Bay Shore during my class's first year at Bay Shore ('58 - '59) One of my fondest memories is the day Ray called off classes when the ice on Lake Awixa was solid enough to skate on. I'm sure it was because HE wanted to play hockey, but it was pretty cool to get a free day off. I think I remember him being at MR2000 and looking like he was still in fair shape for pushing 80 at the time. May he rest in peace. The 1964 Investiture Class had to be one of the largest groups ever sent off to Novitiate. It probably helped that it was a double class with guys who started at Bay Shore in ‘58 and ‘59. This was the first step in converting the training program from 6-1-6 to 4-1-4-4. Don’t know if its bragging or complaining, but John O’Reilly, Jim Schatz and I were the last to put in 6 years at Bay Shore. In addition to the Investees, we were joined by Don Middendorf, Al Schebera and Pat Somebody, who only stayed a few months. Faculty included Fr George Werner - his first year as Novice Master, Ed Dilgen, Dick Schebera and Brother Tom. Phil Morneau and Jack LaRocca were also novices that year. Did I leave anyone out? Also, no one has taken a shot at IDing the guys in the previous archive photo, so here's my input. Looks like another shot from the refectory in '57 or '58. In the background, left to right: Ed Danza, looking like he's chugging down wine, Kevin Lyons, a guy Idon't recognize, Ben Colbert, and possibly Pete Ballenger (Did Peter wear glasses at that time?); foreground: Gerry Barry, Dennis McCarthy and, in profile, Mike Tucci. Barry and McCarthy were freshmen that yeat; Tucci, a Junior; the others, sophomores I await any corrections with anticipation. Lou
Lou Miller
Hudson, WI USA - Friday, July 16, 2004 at 17:19:34 (EDT)
Ray Graham was the superior at Bay Shore through most of my five years there. Bob Curley was also a teacher and I knew him as well when I taught at Indiana University. I hold both of these priests in great affection.
Dennis Delaney
Charlotte,, VT USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2004 at 15:09:17 (EDT)
Found the website info while going through an old folder. Pictures and words and memories are great. The reunion is still a fond memory. Thanks for running the site. I'll be back and look more closely and see if I can help identifying guys from my short time in bayshore. Nothing in my life have or will ever replace those 2 great and blessed years. Oh, my number on the picture is 22. God bless to all and especially to those I knew.
Deacon John T. Baffa, Jr.
Brewster, NY USA - Monday, March 15, 2004 at 20:36:12 (EST)
Today is my first visit to the website. It's great. I'll be back regularly. Concerning the photo of the baskteball team from the '60s, the back row, left to right: Marc Burgett, Tom Jesaitis, Bill Ferro, Jack Coyne. Front row, left to right: Vic Albetta?, John Putnam, Bill McDermott?
Marc Burgett
Minneapolis, MN USA - Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 15:26:12 (EST)
Please refer to the Photos Section of the Website for a recent photo of Tom Williams(Entry Year: 1955) Here are major parts of a letter I recently received from Tom.He said it would be okay to share his letter with all of you. "I was sorry to see that Father Ray Graham died, as well as Fathers Bob Curley and Ben Blood. All those men certainly had a positive effect on my life. I saw also that Willie Farrell passed away. He was a good friend for so many years. Jody and I have now lived in Arkansas for five years. I most likely have one or two more years at Wal-Mart before I retire. I am in the spring semester of my second year of studies in the St. Stephan's Orthodox seminary program. It is the seminary program for the Antiochean Orthodox Church in America. I have one year to go before completion. I was ordained a Reader in 2003, similar to tonsure/lector/acolyte in the Roman Church. I was ordained sub deacon in January this year and most likely will be ordained deacon within the year. I hope to be ordained a priest next year, possibly in the fall. Before that time, I will retire from Wal-Mart. Most likely I will serve in a parish in the Western U.S. The possibilities are Wyoming, the Dakotas, Oklahoma or Texas. But I really don't know with any certainty where I will be sent. The parishes are small by design, rarely exceeding 200 or so families. The studies have been time-consuming but enjoyable. It is a three-year program with residency required each summer in Pennsylvania. I had been hoping to be able to spend a year at St. Vladimir's Seminary in Crestwood, N.Y., but the bishop pretty much told me he wanted me to finish the St. Stephan's course of study. My Latin has been very helpful, my Greek is weak (I can recognize vocabulary but not put sentences together) and have been challenged by Byzantine music. All that being said, I have done well in all my course work thus far: Church History, Patristics, Scripture, Liturgical Theology, Orthodox Spirituality and Orthodox Theology. Next fall and spring I will take Canon Law. Maybe I'll do better this time. Jody has been wonderful through all this. I am usually closeted about 15 hours a week reading. Exams last a month and a half. Jody and I belong to a small mission parish in Springdale, Arkansas. That's where I serve as sub deacon. Jody is the parish treasurer, always fighting to have our priest paid more money. The Orthodox are notorious for their poor financial support of the clergy. It is apparently a holdover from Greece, Russia (before Stalin), the Balkans, Syria and Lebanon where the clergy were paid by the government, and still are. My prayers are with you and your family, Cliff." tom williams PS I receive e-mail from Paul Provost in China every now and then. tom.
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Friday, March 12, 2004 at 16:02:52 (EST)
Fr. Ray Graham was Superior at Bay Shore when I entered in September 1955. A good man and a good priest, he won the respect and affection of students and parents alike. May he rest in peace. I am confident he is enjoying his well deserved eternal reward.
Brian Harrington
LAKE BLUFF, IL USA - Sunday, February 22, 2004 at 20:30:10 (EST)
Please check the NEWS section of the website for more information on the life and death of Father Ray Graham, SMM. Cliff Laube
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Monday, February 16, 2004 at 06:54:40 (EST)
I regret to report that Father Raymond Graham, SMM died of cancer on February 4. Since Fr. Ray was superior at Bay Shore and taught there for many years, I am sure he is fondly remembered by many alumni. I will try to post a recent photo and obits from the Long Island papers as soon as possible. Father Ray was 83 years old and was ordained on March 1, 1947. May he rest in peace. Cliff Laube, Entry Year: 1945
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Tuesday, February 10, 2004 at 20:51:39 (EST)
The 1954 Faculty also included Fr. Ray Graham, Superior and Fr. Leo (Pere) Blais our French teacher. Fr. Allen may possibly still been there.
Matt Kennedy
Ronkonkoma, N.Y. USA - Monday, January 26, 2004 at 12:42:15 (EST)
Please refer to the NEWS link above to see the list of Montfort Fathers who are celebrating major anniversaries this year. Happy 2004 to all alumni! Fifty years ago, in September 1954, the following students entered the prep semianry at Bay Shore: Gerard Lawrence of Elmont, NY; Thomas Pypeman of NY, NY; Thomas Reilly of Wantagh, NY; Edward Larberg of Lake Ronkonkoma, NY; Rudy Seeger of Middle Village, NY; John Kosciuk of New Hyde Park, NY; Patrick Kennedy of Bronx, NY; Arthur Flanagan of Valley Stream, NY; Dennis Kennelly of Woodhaven, NY; John Fleming of Jackson Heights, NY; Frank Jordan of NY, NY; Paul Sciortino of Ozone Park, NY; David McManus of Binghamton, NY; Patrick Chinco (Chirico?) of Brooklyn, NY; Martin Petraitis of Fairlawn, NJ; John Rinaldi of Brooklyn, NY; William Sheehy of Cambridge, MA; James Bowman of Uniondale, NY; Richard Donahue of Cambria Heights, NY; Ronald Williams of Randolph, MA; Joseph Gemelli of Richmond Hill, NY; Thomas Sullivan of Cambridge, MA; Robert Broughton of Babylon, NY; John Kelley of Scituate, MA; Paul Ballenger of Hartford, CT; Thomas Farrell of East Rockaway, NY; Michael Morra of South Ozone Park, NY; and Paul Harren of Floral Park, NY. That was a large class! The faculty for that year included: Frs. Frank Carpenter, Anthony Vivona, William Peers, Joseph Manfre, Lionel Gamache, Robert Curley, Joseph Manfre and Brother John McLeod. All are deceased except Rev. Anthony Vivona and Mr. John Mcleod who are very much alive, and we have been in touch with them. If anyone is from that class, please contact us and leave a message on this website. Cliff Laube (entry year: 1945)
Clifford J. Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Saturday, January 24, 2004 at 11:18:49 (EST)
My guess is Dennis' photograph is from the '57-'58 school year and maybe the location is the refectory. I agree with Brian on Vic, Vinnie and Charlie B. I'm suggesting that is Jeremiah Smith right behind Vin and could Tom Palermo be the other guy with glasses? If I'm right on the year, then Gene Sawacki would have been 18 or 19 at that time and the guy in the background looks pretty young. Vic attended MR2000 and Dennis submitted the photo. It's time to hear from one of those guys! Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season to all. Lou
Lou Miller
USA - Friday, December 12, 2003 at 17:18:59 (EST)
A few more guesses on the latest picture: Extreme right, Victor Albetta, left foreground Vinnie Danza, center with eyeglasses, Charlie Benfante. Lou Miller, where are you now that we really need you?
Brian Harrington
LAKE BLUFF, IL USA - Wednesday, December 10, 2003 at 22:10:25 (EST)
In the latest picture, I think that's Gene Sawicki in the upper left corner. Just a guess.
Matt Kennedy
ronkonkoma, ny USA - Friday, December 05, 2003 at 23:52:31 (EST)
Father Bob Curley (entry year 1938) died November 13. Please visit the NEWS section of this website for an obituary. Bob taught at Bay Shore during the 1950's and many alumni remember him from those days. His brother Marty who was also a Montfort Father is in a nursing home on Long Island. May God grant Fr. Bob eternal rest after a long and fruitful ministry.
Clifford Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at 19:02:19 (EST)
I believe Bill Armshaw, (entry class of 1953) is the unidentified student pictured with Jim Nugent and Father Vivona. Bill attended the Y2K reunion in Bay Shore. These memory tests are becoming more and more difficult.
Brian Harrington
LAKE BLUFF, IL USA - Sunday, November 23, 2003 at 23:02:38 (EST)
Matt Kennedy (Entry Class of 1952) just told me that the alumnus on the right of Father Vivona (his left) in Jim Nugent. Since Jim only arrived in 1953, obviously the photo was not taken in 1952. Please refer to the latest photo in the Archive section of this website. Who knows the identity of the other student in the photo? Cliff
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Tuesday, October 07, 2003 at 13:42:50 (EDT)
For those of you who may not be aware, my e-mail address has changed. The new address is: brian.harrington@comcast.net Am always happy to hear from other alumni and will look forward to exchanging messages with you.
Brian Harrington
LAKE BLUFF, IL USA - Tuesday, October 07, 2003 at 09:40:31 (EDT)
Please remember in your prayers Brian Dionne (Entry Year 1965) who passed away last week.
Joe Macken
East Meadow, NY USA - Monday, September 15, 2003 at 12:06:42 (EDT)
Tried to reach Gary Larson & Jack Coyne, but apparently they found a better bargain and changed their address. Can anyone help? Whenever anyone changes, they should automatically notify the website. Otherwise they are somewhere in orbit.
John "Doc" Mc Cann smm
Bantam, Ct USA - Sunday, August 03, 2003 at 20:43:06 (EDT)
nnamdi alfreedsunstar4real@excite.com
Lou Miller(Entry Class of 1958) sent me the following key to the faces in the photo submitted by Dennis McCarthy (the third last archives photo): Students in the all-school photograph Taken at Montfort Prep in September, 1958 Left to right: 1st row: Vinnie Danza, Tom Palermo, Bill Philbin, Jim Feerick, Jim Murray, John O’Reilly, Arthur Hartnett, Mike Fagan, Jim Casey, Lou Miller; 2nd row: Jack Lyons; Jim Schatz, Bill Mullen, Dennis McCarthy, Charlie Benfante, Louie De Rosa, Jack McDermott, Jim Faulkner, Joe Phelan; 3rd row: Jerry (Jeremiah) Smith, Ken (Whitey) Johnson, Paul Baker, Vic Albetta, Leo Dollard, John Barry, Pat Fleming, Ross Caputo, Danny Braun; 4th row: Ben Colbert, Kevin Lyons, Roland Derosiers, Ed Murphy, Pete Mack, Joe Eber, Joe McCarthy; 5th row: Ken McHatton, Pete Ballenger, Stan Karpowicz, Mike Deacy, Jim Roche, Bill Shea, Chuck Imbergamo, Tony Talarico, Jerry Barry; 6th row: Mike Tucci, Ed Danza, Bob Schimoler, Denis Sullivan, Ed Maslowski, Gene Sawicki, Tommy Williams, Mike Socha; 7th row: John Baffa, Johnny Rinaldi, Hugo Cannon, Jack Hunt, Brian Harrington, Tony Tambasco, Joe Cardinal, Harry Connell, Bob Gorman Our thanks to Dennis and Lou, PLEASE E-MAIL ME ANY OLD PHOTOS, ESPECIALLY GROUP PHOTOS, THAT YOU HAVE. Best to all. Cliff
Cliff Laube (Entry Year 1945)
Southbury, CT USA - Saturday, May 31, 2003 at 09:12:59 (EDT)
Happy Easter week and a happy life to all.I will be glad to hear from anyone who wishes to say Hello. I am also trying to track down Jim Nally (entry year 1947) so if you have a lead I would like to have it.Thanks
Frank Drugan (entry year 1948)
Farmingdale, NY USA - Monday, April 21, 2003 at 11:52:28 (EDT)
Lou Miller (Entry Year 1968) just sent me the identity of 22 more alumni in the Group Photo that we took at Montfort Reunion 2000. If you look at the Photos section of the website, you can enlarge both the photo and the accompanying group photo with the faces numbered. If you click on "Photo List" you will find the identity key to the numbered faces. Good Luck! And a Happy Easter to all!
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Friday, April 18, 2003 at 16:03:30 (EDT)
I have received about a dozen good archive photos from Dennis McCarthy (Entry Year: 1957), John McLeod (Entry Year: 1942) and Fr. Tony Vivona (Entry Year: 1942). George White will be posting them over the next few weeks. Just wanted to thank these alumni for the photos, and encourage others to do likewise. Happy Easter to all!
Cliff Laube (Entry Year: 1945)
Southbury, CT USA - Friday, April 11, 2003 at 07:16:27 (EDT)
Re-"WHO CAN TELL US THE STORY BEHIND THIS FOTO" in "ARCHIVES",Sister Joan Mary D.W. was on the Bay Shore staff, and drove a Montfort car each day.We warned her it was the slippery leaf season, but she returned with a smashed car.Mike Grodotski teased her and posed with the evidence.
BANTAM, CT USA - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 16:04:17 (EST)
Alleluia!!! I finally learned how to submit an entry!! But why don't we get more entries? Please note my new E-mail address. The old one is O.K. and comes into the part-time secretary, but I got my own Gateway last year, in my own office, and this is my personal E-mail address where I would love to hear from anyone. MACCANJON@AOL.COM
John (Doc) Mc Cann smm
Bantam, Ct USA - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 22:54:48 (EST)
BANTAM, CT USA - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 21:10:18 (EST)
growling haven puffs poignant fitting finds cheques weathered sweetheart
Haiku Man
Germany - Monday, July 29, 2002 at 17:13:53 (EDT)
Best regards to Denis
Paul Provost
USA - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 18:44:13 (EDT)
We received the same notice of Marions death and are both shocked and saddened by her passing. We had no idea she was ill. Marion was a fine woman and we have many pleasant memories of her. If we were not so far away we would be there for her funeral and for Denis and their girls. Marion was only 57 years old.
Joe and Elizabeth Cardinal
Naples, FL USA - Monday, May 13, 2002 at 12:36:34 (EDT)
I just received the following e-mail message from Brian Harrington: Dear Current and Former Montfortians: With heavy heart I write to inform you of the death of Marion Sullivan, wife of former Montfortian and my close friend, Denis Sullivan. Marion succumbed to metastatic cancer on May 11, following a nearly yearlong battle. Please remember both of them in your prayers at this most difficult time. Joan and I will shortly depart for New York to do what we can to be supportive to Denis and his three daughters. Funeral arrangements are being handled by Whiting Funeral Home in Sea Cliff, NY. (516) 671-0807. Visitation will take place Sunday evening and Monday afternoon and evening. The funeral service will be at St. Boniface Martyr Church in Sea Cliff on Tuesday morning at 9:30 am. Should you wish to call or write to express your condolences you may do so as follows: Mr. Denis Sullivan 6 The Knolls Locust Valley, NY 11560 Phone: (516) 676-0583 e-mail: denisfsullivan@hotmail.com Should you know of others not included on the above address list, who would want to receive this news would you kindly forward this e-mail to them or advise them by whatever means you find most convenient. May she rest in peace and God bless each of you for your care and concern. Brian Harrington Investiture Class of 1961
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 08:08:57 (EDT)
Father George Werner (entry class of 1944) writes that Father Ben (Bernard) Blood (entry class of 1937)has had some recent setbacks in his battle with bone cancer, and is in the hospital with a major hemorrhage of an artery. Father Blood resides at the Bay Shore Spiritual Center. Father George, who is superior at Bay Shore, also writes that "he hopes to re-do the retreat dining room in July. Most of the work we will do with volunteer help, but some things, like the electrical, fixtures, tables and chairs for 80 persons we'll have to buy, plus the material we'll use. All the present chairs etc. are original from when it was the prep seminary in 1962!" If any of you are in a position to help out, I'm sure George would love to hear from you. George White (entry year of 1963) is working on a way to present the old copies of The Acolyte on the website. Stay tuned! Cliff
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 04:47:21 (EDT)
The website needs photos from your days at Bay Shore. Please send them to me at 556D Heritage Village, Southbury CT 06488. I will scan them and send them to George White who is managing our site. Then I will immediately return them to you. We especially need photos from the 50's 60's and 70's. My own collection is mostly from the forties, and I've just about exhausted them for the website. You can also send them in JPEG format to me at claube@aol.com Be sure to identify all alumni in the photos that you send. Also, Frank Drugan and I have been trying to locate Jim Nally. If anyone has a recent address or knows anything about his whereabouts, please let me know. Thanks. Cliff Laube (Entry Year: 1945)
Cliff Laube
Southbury, CT USA - Monday, March 11, 2002 at 05:32:44 (EST)
To Paul Provost... If a person wanted to contribute money toward construction of the school (or renovation of the roof above it) to whom would the check be made payable and to what address would it be mailed? If you can furnish this information, perhaps some funds will begin to flow....... Brian H............
Brian Harrington
Lake Bluff, IL USA - Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 19:47:40 (EST)
NAPLES, FL USA - Friday, December 28, 2001 at 16:58:24 (EST)
Sue S. e-mailed me this web site and I am so happy I visited! It was great to see pictures of people I haven't seen in many years. Frank Kennedy was always at Uncle Cliffs when I was a child, and what a funny man. I remember his children as babies. Some names are familiar to me from Dad (Andrew) always talking about the fun times in Connecticut, Italy, and Long Island. A wonderful trip back to those days. Thank you so much:) YOu all have aged very gracefully. Kathleen
Kathleen Hoynes Malfi
Lansdale, PA USA - Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 12:58:24 (EST)
Thank you to all who prayed for my brother, Tom. Unfortunately Tom lost his battle with cancer last week. I would now ask you to pray for the repose of his soul. We know that he is in a much better place with Jesus and Mary.
Joe Macken
East Meadow, NY USA - Thursday, December 06, 2001 at 14:39:55 (EST)
I would just like to ask everyone to keep in your prayers my brother Tom who is dying of cancer. He is 45 years old and has a wife and 3 young girls. Thanks, Joe Macken
Joe Macken
East Meadow, NY USA - Monday, November 26, 2001 at 23:41:08 (EST)
I recently received an invitation from George Werner and the entire Montfort Community to attend a Mass of Thanksgiving on November 24th. Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it, but I would very much like to see everyone again. However, the invitation got me to thinking...George noted that the Eucharist will be celebrated to honor the Montforts' benefactors. I guess I need to put a plug in here for Fathers Bly, Fazzina and Vigilotta (my Latin profs)--because it dawned on me that the Latin translation of benefactor is a "do-gooder". It just seems to me that the real "do-gooders" for those of us who studied at Bay Shore and elsewhere in the Montfort Community are all of the Montforts and Daughters of Wisdom who taught, mentored and took care of us, and who demonstrated through their daily lives what it means to be a committed Christian. For all of our lives, we shall be grateful to these benefactors, and to them we owe our unending gratitude. Warmest wishes to all. Mickey Tierney
mickey tierney
st. louis, mo USA - Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 18:55:25 (EST)
Visitor's Name: paul provost
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: China
Comments: Friends, At this time of sorrow in our country, I join with all of you in grieving for the loss of life of thousands and for the loss of innocence of our world. Although lives have been drastically changed throughout the world, some things continue in China without immediate concern. One puts me in the position of our beloved fund raiser George Werner. On a much smaller scale, a village where I visit needs a new school, but will first settle for a new roof, and then build the school under it. There are myriad ways to show concern and brotherhood in the world at such a time as this, but I couldn't help but put out the need, just in case someone has an inkling or a connection that can bring this need to fruition. Second, and on a easier note, there are students here who want to go abroad to study but need help in getting information about graduate programs which would offer ta position or some such assistance. If anyone knows of such. I would love to hear from you. I am a neophyte on the web, so please be kind in your comments about how easy it is to search...Easy for you, Difficult for me... Thanks. With prayers for America and the world, Paul Provost
Sign Time: September 21 2001 at 23:38:13
Visitor's Name: Brian Harrington
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Lake Bluff, Illinois
Comments: Regret I will be unable to accept Fr. Werner's kind invitation to attend the August 15, memorial celebration in Bay Shore. I knew and well remember almost all on the necrology list. Special remembrance for Frs. Bemelmans, LeClair, McCoy, Peers, Otchy, Graham, McMillan, Plank, White, Carpenter and Farrell. Also Bros. Gallagher, Panigutti, and Martinez. All left their permanent and positive influence on my life, for which I will always be grateful. May they rest in peace.
Sign Time: July 28 2001 at 11:26:41
Visitor's Name: Cliff Laube
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Southbury CT
Comments: I had a very interesting 45-minute telephone call last week from Allan Palmer. Allan went to Bay Shore from September 1945 to June 1946. He was from Schroon Lake NY, and now lives in Seattle, Washington. Those of you who were at Bay Shore in 1945-46 will remember him with a bow-tie. He was one of the best ping-pong players at the time. Allan received our MR2000 mailings, and just wanted to talk. He had a career as an antiques dealer, and is now 72 years old. He never married. Allan says that he still has his old latin missal, and a little altar in his home. He asked about his old classmates and professors, and I brought him up to date. If any of you get similar calls from alumni who were unablle to attend the Reunion, please share with us their present location, family info, etc. Best to all, Cliff
Sign Time: May 05 2001 at 09:38:52
Visitor's Name: mickey tierney
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:
Comments: in looking at the archives, there is a picture of boms basketball players taken in the 60's; I think top row 2nd from left is Tommy Jesaitis (spelling is prb. wrong); long shot is that top row on far right is Jack Coyne; either John or Mike Putnam may be in middle of bottom row. Regards, Mick
Sign Time: April 15 2001 at 18:12:32
Visitor's Name: mickey tierney
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: st. Louis
Comments: to celebrate Montfort's feast day in St. Louis, we are having a mini-reunion, consisting of afternoonn golf on the 29th, followed by a BBQ at my house. Dick and Al Schebera, Bill Shea, Lous Vlasaty and perhaps Rich Collins will be in attendance. We'll be thinking of y'all.
Sign Time: April 15 2001 at 18:03:28
Visitor's Name: Susan Schultz
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Stephentown, ny
Comments: This website is wonderful! Thank you to all involved. I am blessed to still have the friendships of many of you since Chick died; seeing pictures of his early years brings much joy. Just for general information, our sons are grown: Bob does computer "stuff," Matt is a youth minister for the Presbytery of Alaska, and will be attending seminary with his wife (and baby James) at Princeton in the fall. Greg is an acting student in Oneonta.... and is the image of Chick at that age. All three have his gentle spirit and outrageous sense of humor! They keep me sane(I think.) I am a Hospice Chaplain and was recently ordained a Baptist minister; the power and joy of that day was enhanced immeasurably by the presence of our Montfort family - the Laubes, the Dilgens and Frank Kennedy. Ordination never leaves this family; it just changes locations! My love to you all. Sue (mongofred@aol.com)
Sign Time: April 08 2001 at 22:04:47
Visitor's Name: George White
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Easton, Massachusetts
Comments: Have you ever noticed how certain memories of "formation" are triggered from time to time. I was driving to work this morning and listening to a choral arrangement of the Magnificat by John Rutter. As I listened, emotions of both gladness and sadness welled up in me. I was transported in time and space back to 1964, to a chapel in Bay Shore, standing near the pipe organ, learning the harmony of an arrangement of the Magnificat that Fr. Ed Blydenburgh was teaching his schola cantorum. I remember tears coming to my eyes the first time I heard the melody and harmony of that awesome confession of faith, as that sound flowed from the mouths of a group of teen age boys. To this day, it remains planted in my heart as one of the most beautiful sounds my soul has ever heard. I know now that it was not the music alone, but also the grace and example of a humble priest who was sharing a magnificent spiritual experience with a group of young men – an experience that words alone could not convey, and one that he likely knew would also touch our souls.
Sign Time: April 05 2001 at 08:37:07
Visitor's Name: Cliff Laube
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Southbury CT
Comments: Long Island Alumni Alert! Please check the NEWS section on the website. Father George Werner is planning a special day of prayer on the Feast of St. Louis de Montfort, (April 28) modeled after the closing ceremonies that Montfort used in his missions in France. Details in the news section.
Sign Time: March 21 2001 at 17:12:42
Visitor's Name: PAUL provost
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Nanchang,Jiangxi, PRC
Comments: Dear Alum, China is looking for teachers. If anyone has limited retirement income,you can live well on it here in Nanchang. Plus you can work for money until you speak any more. Plus, a reunion. I am the contact for this city. Welcome . Kids invited too and grandkids. My I am getting old. Paul provost9@china.com
Sign Time: March 18 2001 at 00:39:01
Visitor's Name: mickey tierney
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: St. Louis, MO
Comments: The Reunion brought back a flood of memories, not only of fond days at Bay Shore, Hartford City and St. Louis, but of all the absolutely wonderful, deeply committed Christian men and women who mentored, taught and inspired me over my 5 years with the Montfort community. What a crew--to name just a few: Fr. Landry (mon pere)--who imbued in me a sense of awe and wonder for French lanaguage and culture; Fr. Vigilotta, who gave us a practical, yet prosaic, approach to Latin; Fr. Bly--my spiritual counsellor, Master of the Schola Cantorum and a wonderful Latin scholar; Jim Manning, responsible for a time at Bay Shore for waking us up and hammering into us eloquent writing and reading skills; Fr. Blais--who was Rector at Bay Shore while I was there; Jerry Pramuk, who worked hard to impart ot us the basic principles of physics; Chick Schultz--soccer coach extraordinaire; and the Brothers and sisters who kept the whole place running smoothly--Bro. Joachim, Mother Ange and Sister Hilaire (now knownby another name, I am told). And then there was Willy Farrell, who taught us math;; and Fr. Fazzina and Martin Curley---I could go on and on, I guess--and I apologize to those whom I have omitted. Bay Shore was such an idyllic pasture for all of us, where we were nourished, protected, and taken care of--both physically and spiritually. I owe such a special debt to the Montfort community--and it is one that I cannot possibly repay. The Reunion was a hearwarming experience--it was like travelling in a time capsule. Unfortunately, I did not attend the coctail party the night before, so I only had a few hours to get caught up with scads of people. But it was fabulous to do so--and it was especially touching to have had my wife Alicia and my two children along (Colin -10; and Madeleine-7)so that they could witness firsthand the inspiring sense of community and fellowship all of us have, even after decades of separation. Many thanks to all who worked on the project, especially Frank Allen and Cliff Laube and Brian Harrington--and George Werner. The Reunion brought many values back into focus for me--and I am grateful to you all.
Sign Time: March 10 2001 at 19:10:03
Visitor's Name: Joe Macken
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: East Meadow, New York
Comments: I was able to identify some of our family members in the group picture from our reunion. # 25 is Joe Britelli; #60 is Steve Krisher; #97 is Steve Blaum; #98 is Joe Macken. I hope that helps and I hope we are able to identify all the unnamed people shortly.
Sign Time: March 01 2001 at 11:23:37
Visitor's Name: Larry Hellmann
Homepage URL: http://www.ncfc.net
You are from: San Diego,CA
Comments: As wonderful as it was to see everyone again, my daughter was impressed even more that so many people could get together and know so many of one another (and get along.) I was very proud that she could see the love and connection that we had. There were many who had been lost and found their way back. Some who were missed who will hopefully find us again. Thanks to all those who worked so diligently and hard to put the reunion together. May the next one be as successful.
Sign Time: February 19 2001 at 09:17:48
Visitor's Name: Michael Lonski
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: North Babylon NY
Comments: I know that I'm real late with this, but I just have to thank Cliff Laube, Brian Harrington, Father Allen, and all who helped put the whole thing together. And thanks to all who attended!. It was so great seeing all of you, especially my complete graduation class of 1970. Hi Gary, Steve, Mike and Barry.
Sign Time: February 09 2001 at 11:20:33
Visitor's Name: Father John Breslin
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: dominican republic
Comments: I liked your web page but could not find anything on it. You have no photos, no reflections and it seems as though you are a work in progress. A good work no doubt but one that does not give me the information I seek. I wish you all well and was so happy to see you at the reunion. May God bless us all.
Sign Time: January 28 2001 at 11:31:14
Visitor's Name: jack phelan
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Syosset, NY
Comments: Thanks to all for the great work that went into the reunion and the photos. The day itself was a very moving experience which words do not adequately describe. I was glad to meet my classmates and friends. It has been a long time. Looking forward to another chance to get together. Best wishes to all... Jack
Sign Time: January 26 2001 at 21:38:29
Visitor's Name: James Schachner
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: San Jose Ca
Comments: My E-Mail address for those that would like to contact me is ravmastr@aol.com
Sign Time: January 23 2001 at 12:30:04
Visitor's Name: james Schachner
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: San Jose Ca
Comments: Recieved a message from Mike Haggerty and since then my computer crashed and I lost the E-Mail address. Please wite again so I may answer. Also seen a message from Steve Blaum on this web site. Hello Steve.
Sign Time: January 23 2001 at 12:25:05
Visitor's Name: Mike Parrotta
Homepage URL: http://www.buffalocity.net/basilicawebsite
You are from: Jamestown, North Dakota
Comments: Hi, I know I missed a really special event but I could not get away. I have only the fondest of memories for the SMM and the nine years I spent in Bay Shore then Litchfield. My heart is Montfortian and always will be. As some of you may know I have reentered studies for the priesthood for the diocese of Fargo. I get ordained Deacon next Saturday Jan27 and will be ordained priest on June 2. I hope to be celebrating a Mass of Thanksgiving at my parish in Ozone Park the SMM parish of Gate of Heaven. If you are around plese come and pray with me. Since I left Litchfield I had a full life, married two children and now have four grandchildren who live in Hollywood, Florida the home of chads, dimples etc I moved to Miami back in 1968.I am fulfilling my life's dream as a priest of God and still very Marian and Montfortian. I ask you to pray for me and if you are ever in ND look me up. You are always welcome. God bless Ad Jesum Per Mariam. Mike
Sign Time: January 20 2001 at 13:09:51
Private message. Click here to read it.
Visitor's Name: Cliff Laube ('45 - '50)
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Southbury CT 06488
Comments: We really all owe a debt of gratitude to George White who coninues to manage this Website with quality work. Special thanks to George for posting the two group photos and ID key. And a word of thanks to my son Cliff who came up with the idea and know-how to put those ID numbers on our heads in the group photo! Now we need you all to help us identify all 119 of the attendees in the picture!
Sign Time: January 19 2001 at 10:27:42
Visitor's Name: Cliff Laube ('45-'50)
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Southbury CT
Comments: WEBSITE ALERT: I have asked George White, our Website Manager, to post the group photo of alumni attending MR2000 on July 3. He will also post another copy of the group photo with our faces erased and numbers inserted. In this way we can all participate in identifying the 119 persons in the group photo. He will also post an Identity Key which lists the numbers and the identity of the known alumni. Please help us identify everyone in the photo by making Guestbook entries which identify by number the different alumni. George and I will then update the Identity Key until we have identified everyone. Thanks for your help. Cliff
Sign Time: January 18 2001 at 16:44:34
Visitor's Name: Dennis Delaney (entry year: 1952)
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:
Comments: Hi Cliff- Sorry I missed the reunion but it would have meant driving all night to get home for the 4th and I backed out on the all night drive. Glad everything went so well. Yes, I spent five years at Bay Shore and have a very happy memory of that time, My family is now grown. Daughter Sara is married to a pilot and lives on the Maine coast. Son Luc graduated from Annapolis 5/99 and is now a naval officer in the western Pacific. He and I hiked up Mt. Kilimanjaro 12/96 (19,744) and returned two years later with some of his buddies to climb Mawenzi, K's sister volcano. (Seem to remember you liked hiking) I worked in Ghana as legislative advisor to its parliament in 97/98 and have done similar taks in the Ivory Coast and Angola. Almost got shot there! Stay in touch. Feel free to post this info. Dennis D.
Sign Time: January 18 2001 at 09:26:22
Visitor's Name: Mike Putnam
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Livermore, Ca.
Comments: Thanks to all who did so much to put together the reunion. My family and I had a wonderful time! The basketball team I think is the high school team in the '62-'63 year. I think they are from the back row: Marc Burgett, Tom Jesaitis, Bill Ferro, and John Coyne. The front row is Joe Dagrosa, John Putnam, (my brother) and Joe Parson.
Sign Time: January 17 2001 at 23:38:41
Visitor's Name: Brian Harrington
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Lake Bluff, IL
Comments: What happened to the mystery photo of the basketball team? Lou Miller has identified the players but the names need to be matched with the pictu
Sign Time: January 17 2001 at 13:59:50
Visitor's Name: Mike Grodotzke
Homepage URL: http://mgrodo@pacbell.net
You are from: Agoura Hills (Los Angeles) Ca
Comments: My e-mail address has changed since July and has been recently updated on the master list. Anyone interested it is mgrodo@pacbell.net. "Doc" McCann I hope you got my e-mail confirming the same.
Sign Time: January 16 2001 at 23:53:03
Visitor's Name: paul provost
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Nanchang class of '67
Comments: Just browsin' along. Trying to get warm with good memories.
Sign Time: January 14 2001 at 00:12:43
Visitor's Name: Joe Cardinal
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:
Comments: Scanned and sent "holy card" from Investiture (May 30, 1957) of James Mary Schumacher to Brian and Cliff.
Sign Time: January 13 2001 at 19:46:13
Visitor's Name: Joe Cardinal
Homepage URL: http://
You are from:
Comments: Sorry. Left Dorman out of the line up. Shumacker (Sp?) is the son of a woman who worked at the Queen of All Hearts. Didn't stay long. Just my guess. Hugh Cannon is not in that picture.
Sign Time: January 13 2001 at 19:05:17
Visitor's Name: Brian Harrington
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Lake Bluff, IL
Comments: I think Joe Cardinal did a pretty good job with the mystery picture but, Joe, I think you skipped the individual in the front row, right hand side. Is this Mike Dorman? I am not sure. Just a guess. Also... the guy wearing the fedora is identified as J. Schumacker. I can't find anyone in the alumni database with that name. Did we miss him or is this someone else? Could it be Hugh Cannon? What about the guy whose face is partially obsured by the hat. I'm not so sure it's Jerry Basco. This photo must have been taken circa 1955 or later. Can anyone confirm the year? Lou Miller, our world-class trivia expert alum, where are you now that we really need
Sign Time: January 13 2001 at 14:25:20
Visitor's Name: Joe Cardinal
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Naples, Florida
Comments: Mystery Picture. My spelling is off but memory fairly accurate. Correct me if I am wrong. Left to right: 1st row: J. Bowman; T.Norton; J. Schumacker; 2nd row: J. Hassett, B. Schultz; J. Bacso Third row: T.Prete; M. Perotta, R. Callilli Fourth row: J. Nugent; J. McCrann; R. Shebera; V. Kanrotis; D. Delaney How did I do? Joe
Sign Time: January 08 2001 at 20:24:14
Visitor's Name: Father Frank Allen, S.M.M.
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Originally, Brooklyn, NY & Huntington, NY
Comments: This MR 2000 deal was a wonderful success. We are going to improve this site in the future. I have close to 1000 pictures scanned. I will send one to Cliff each week. He will have them inserted here.
Sign Time: January 05 2001 at 11:52:09
Visitor's Name: Mike Grodotzke
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Agoura Hills, Ca
Comments: MR2000 lived up to all expectations. From the moment I heard about it I was looking forward to seeing everyone. In this situation the reality exceeded the great expectations. Thanks to everyone for making such a profound impression on my life. My only regrets is the inability to see more people more often. (Based on your weather the past week, Southern Calf. 80 degree temps does have its advantages.) Hope to see everyone again soon. Thanks
Sign Time: January 05 2001 at 00:29:11
Visitor's Name: Cliff Laube (1945-50)
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Southbury CT
Comments: Several alumni recieved two "alumni with family" photos, instead of one "alumni only" and one "alumni with family" photo. If you are missing a photo please let me know, (claube@aol.com)and I will try to find one for you.
Sign Time: January 04 2001 at 05:49:11
Visitor's Name: Brian Harrington
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Lake Bluff, Illinois
Comments: MR 2000 exceeded my expectations. Only frustration was the limited time in which to reconnect with so many dear friends. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Peter Mack? Peter arrived at Bay Shore in 1957. His home at the time was in the U.S. Canal Zone. I have tried without success to find Peter and hope one of you in alumniland may know his whereabouts or how to find him. If you do, please send me an e-mail
Sign Time: January 01 2001 at 12:35:49
Visitor's Name: Clifford J. Laube III
Homepage URL: http://www.nps.gov/wefa/home.htm
You are from: Newtown, Connecticut
Comments: Howdy Montfort Bros! Cliff's son here. Sorry I missed the MR2000 extravaganza! Looked like a pretty wild party. I have been toying around with web design and web graphics and would like to extend my services to all who have photos that they'd like to share on this site. I'm sure many of you have great pictures but no way to scan them and so I'm volunteering my services. If you send hard copies to... Cliff Laube, 140 A Huntingtown Road, Newtown, CT 06470 ...I'll be happy to digitize them. But please include a SASE photo-mailer as it seems I have involuntarily taken a vow of poverty for the time being. Also, please limit your photos to under five images at a time so I can concentrate on quality, rather than quantity. Great web page so far. All you Montforts keep in mind that this web page is set up to grow and improve through your contributions. MR2000 was just the beginning...it's up to you to keep that spirit of friendship and faith alive. Cliff "Jr."
Sign Time: December 28 2000 at 09:47:43
Visitor's Name: Joe Macken
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: East Meadow, NY
Comments: Though it has been several months since Our Reunion I am still impressed at how very successful it was. A real tribute to Cliff and all those who helped him. It was wonderful to reflect on those very formative years with so many of the people we shared those times with. I often remember those times fondly and truely enjoyed the opportunity to share those memories with you all. I hope we have the opportunity to do this again.
Sign Time: December 19 2000 at 09:44:12
Visitor's Name: Steve Blaum
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Sussex, New Jersey
Comments: Montfort Prep was such an unusual school and at times difficult to explain. The Reunion brought back memories and gave us the opportunity to answer some of the whatever happened to - questions. Perhaps thru this questbook we can finish answering the rest. Thanks for a great time
Sign Time: December 18 2000 at 11:31:41
Visitor's Name: George W Wells
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: New Smyrna Beach FL
Comments: Attended Montfort 1939-42 from Gate Of Heaven parish,Ozone Park NY--The reunion 2000 was great.
Sign Time: December 16 2000 at 23:41:35
Visitor's Name: Maurice Theriault
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Lewiston, Maine
Comments: A hearty thanks to all those who worked diligently to organize the very successful Montfort reunion. I was particularly touched by the spiritual elements which Cliff Laube mentioned as helping bring everyone to this reunion. I think this is what brought us to Montfort in the first place and what ultimately makes life meaningful. George, thanks for this web site. Maurice Theriault
Sign Time: December 14 2000 at 10:24:04
Visitor's Name: Ted Older
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Gloversville, NY
Comments: Thank you for the incentive(MR2000), to visit Montfort last July. It was the first time that I re-visted the Prep-Seminary in 47 years('52 & '53). Many twists and turns have occured in my life since those days. While I was impressed with the Reunion and the welcome, I feel sad that the "old" property has changed so much and that I was the only attendee from class of '52 on July 3rd. Thanks again and it was definitely worth the 10 hour drive to and from.
Sign Time: December 09 2000 at 14:00:55
Visitor's Name: Brian Donohue
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: San Francisco
Comments: Sorry I was not able to attend the MR2000. It looked fantastic and I hope that in the future, we can put together another reunion. Judging by the inital response, it will be very well suppor
Sign Time: December 07 2000 at 00:52:07
Visitor's Name: jim Schachner
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: San Jose california
Comments: I attended Monfort in 1963 to 1967. I missed the reunion by two weeks taking a tour of the United States I passed through the area late June. The web site was a great Idea and I have written in case anyone might remember me and want to say hello.
Sign Time: December 06 2000 at 11:37:31
Visitor's Name: Robert Schimoler
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Leavenworth, KS
Comments: We just received the mailing with the photos from the reunion and information on the website. Getting together this last summer was such a moving experience for my wife and me. Thanks again to all who contributed to putting it together.
Sign Time: December 06 2000 at 09:27:22
Visitor's Name: Gary M. Larson
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Thomaston, GA
Comments: My family and I enjoyed the reunion immensely. It gave my family an insight into my life that would have never been possible before this summer. Thank you Montfort Family!
Sign Time: December 04 2000 at 22:04:56
Visitor's Name: Elizabeth Cardinal
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/wellesley/garden/4548
You are from: Florida
Comments: The website is a wonderful idea. Looking forward to visiting often and "finding" the key to reunion pictures. Thank you
Sign Time: December 04 2000 at 20:23:14
Visitor's Name: Cliff Laube
Homepage URL: http://
You are from: Southbury CT
Comments: Last Thurdsday, November 30, we sent a mailing to all known alumni with information on this website, and copies of the photos taken at the reunion. Expect it in the mail within 2 weeks.
Sign Time: December 03 2000 at 10:16:39
Visitor's Name: George White
Homepage URL:
You are from: N. Easton, Massachusetts
Comments: The reunion was fantastic. Thanks to the Montfort community and all those who were so generous with their time and talent.
Sign Time: November 12 2000 at 13:56:12
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This is a beautiful memory. Thank you and bless all