A place for Montfort Alums in the US to reminisce and keep up with old friends/confreres. See Blog Archive and Pages list below right. - To add a new post/pic to the blog, send a request to edilgen34@gmail.com; you will be added to the list of authors. - Click on pic to enlarge. Montfort Alumni Zoom at 7 PM Eastern time, usually on the third Sunday of the month. Join at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88504462751?pwd=OEdndFZYUjFQZnZ0YjdPcllaQnpKUT09
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Reverend Mike Parrotta R.I.P.
Friday, October 14, 2022
Dennis Kelly, RIP
From Brian Harrington:
[L to R]: George Sullivan, Jack Callery, Jack Lyons, George White, Steve Palmer, Larry Cullen, and Denis Kelly. |
Monday, October 10, 2022
Fr. Jerry Fitzsimmons
Prayers are requested for Jerry Fitzsimmons, SMM, as he deals with his recent diagnosis of ALS (Lou Gehrig disease). In his own words:".. your prayers put me in his (God's) presence and the power of his love." He let us know that he will be doing everything he can to work with the doctors, be a realist like the Blessed Mother, and that he will "Let God be God, in unconditional love." (Thanks to Lucille Feeser for sharing this.)
Rev. Gerald Fitzsimmons, SMM |
In other SMM news, Matt Considine, SMM, was recently appointed pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Manorville NY